Yellow 5* limit break no

These are good reasons why it should be Musashi. it is convincing.
For titan I go vivica, jackal, joon, malosi and wu-kong.
In wars I exchange wu-kong with musashi.

Hopefully! I have a bad luck regarding yellow.

Why don’t you swap joon for malosi? Gives your yellow tiles +15% attack and his attack is higher than malosis attack. Also you get extra defense against the titan

Malosi is +20 and Musashi is without emblems. Attack: 825 vs 768.

Assuming you can’t get emblems for Musashi, then after Musashi’s special, Musashi is at 883. And everyone else gets that 15% bonus too. And you will be boosting everyone’s mana vs titans (using tornadoes/mana pots) so his special will be up a lot of the time - and the elemental link lasts a long time. Guaranteed you will be getting better scores with Musashi than with Malsoi


This game is very long term and rewards the patient.
Waiting 2 months is no big deal.

Here is next month’s Holy Hotm

Musashi can boost a holy team by 15% sure. His skill gives him survival.

I commend you prioritizing Malosi! I also use him very often. He is my only Hotm dupe and one that I am excited to develop. Shutting down dangerous enemy skills at very fast speed continues to gain importance.

If I were you, I would revisit this thread in 7 weeks!


In your case i would do Joon. He being a glass cannon can benefit from the stat upgrade slightly. And he gets to hit harder. Joon plays defense and offense so being an all rounder he will be more useful.
I am a big fan of Malosi too, but he doesnt benefit much from the upgrade as his primary skill is to shut the buffs of the enemy. He should be just fine there.

Off topic
Call me crazy, but with the recent buff on Inari, I am for sure breaking her ahead of Joon as her Attack is already 917 and her defense will improve as well. She is on my Raid offense and Purple Titan a lot of time.
She is such a fun card and her dodge is unbelievable good. And if i get Harnita this Dec, I will have 2 dodgers for the wars.


Good advice — I keep eye on this thread — so far I did not limit breaking any of these heros.
But I ust say that using Musashi as @Homaclese suggested gave ne better results on titans about 30%.


One more voice for Joon. Unfrotunatelly he is not fully emblemed so he is still underpowered in my team.

My mate did his Mushashi…he used him all the time anyways and did it before he got the elemental link which is very good also.

A very good choice for LB I feel

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As requested I come back to the LB.
Sińce the psot Penelote pop up and got LB.
But still I have material for LB.

The same heros: Joon — still wihout costume but +20, malosi +20, and Musashi — no emblems, only 500 daggers avaiable.

Meanwhile Vivica got costume.

Now my yellow mono team for titan:
Vivica costume, joon, Musashi, jackal, wukong.

Vivica costume, joon, Musashi, jackal, malosi.

It seems that Musashi is more versatile, but lack of emblems hampers my decision. But 15% increase of attack and defence.
500 emblems maybe will be sufficient, but I guess it should defence path over attack?

I would go attack path
The slightly better healing will help balance lower def, and you get bigger damage too.