I am looking for suggestions on who to limit break for yellows. All of the heroes listed below are +20, except Odin, who is waiting for 2 more darts. Once he’s maxed, I’ll take him to +20 too.
Odin is formidable without limit breaking. Costumed Joon is a a one shot killer but a little bit squishy, kind of a glas cannon, limit breaking him will get him more stable and deadlier.
I will and have some 4* healers limit broken ( Boldtusk, Kiril) but the materials for breaking a 5* are too rare to spend them on Vivica. She will survive more damage but thats it, her special will not improve and her tile damage is not important.
Odin is a good choice but a bit of an overkill, there is no need to make him stronger. But cJoon could be a game changer after breaking his limits.
I am one of the few that voted Uraeus. I don’t have Odin, but feel is very solid as he is with Emblems only. I think Uraeus would benefit from the higher stats, and his use with Fiend hero’s would improve. He is on my shortlist for yellow LB……hardest decision yet
I voted for Odin. I don’t have him on my roster. I will probably limit break Norns whom I use all the time on raid offense. Her special really helps my 3-2 stacks attack colors they are normally week against. I stack vs the tank, and hope I get enough yellow to charge her after the tank dies. If you fight yurple vs yurple, all hits are strong against the heroes she hits.
She’s also good for weak color mythic titan hits. My best hit on Baba Yaga was >500k with Norns and 4 blue heroes.
She may not be the most popular choice but she works great for my raid teams! My other choices are Sif, whom I never use on offense, C Viivica, whose special won’t improve, Joon and Ureaus. Vivica is the only other yellow I use regularly, but healers are out of consideration on the first wave.