Advice requested on 5* yellows

Another advice request post, for 5* yellow heroes.

I have Guinevere and Joon maxed, with Leonidas (3-70), Malosi (3-70), Sif (2-60), Justice (2-23), Vivica (1-32) and Drake Fong (1-1) waiting in the wings. I have 15 darts. I was going to max Malosi and Sif, then pulled Vivica a few days ago and Drake Fong yesterday.

A screenshot of my heroes is below:


I am thinking that Drake Fong is a no-brainer, which other holy should get the nod first? My alliance uses purple tanks for war, so my current line-up is Vela, Guinevere, Boss Wolf, Gravemaker and Lianna. I am thinking of putting Drake FOng in once maxed, either replacing Guin, or making a yurple centre, moving GM to wing and taking out Lianna.

Any advice?

Your roster will significantly improve with a maxed (and emblemed) Drake Fong. He is a well balanced hero that deals decent damage to 3 and blinding them good. He is good flank to your Boss Wolf.

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I agree Drake is an easy decision and should go in defense.

Do you have plans to max Raf in the near future? If so I think you can do without Viv.

I would probably go with Malosi since your reds are a bit less than ideal in dealing with Telluria. But depends on lot on troop availability, playstyle, etc. Sif could be a good choice too.

Drake for sure, he’s a top 5 hero and is amazing everywhere.

For number 2, I’d go w/ Sif. You’ll have your Yellow defender covered with Drake, and Sif is amazing on offense.

Thank you for the replies, @Ultra, @solipsism and @Raghadorn.

I have started on Drake Fong and will probably go with Malosi next.