Was encouraged to share this here, in case anyone is curious/interested…
great points, and definitely helpful for new players it took me a while (and plenty of wisdom from the forums) to get used to my Wu!
Those who are new to game and/or uncomfortable with using WuKong should definitely go through this.
Great article, @TGW!!
Thank you both.
To add on… another random TGW personal experience story about how I came to learn (and love) that crazy monkey.
Early game. Meh. My roster was fairly awful. Lots of 3* heroes, a few 4s.
fast foward
Anyway. At this point my main yellow was Chao. He’s cool, I guess. Was the best I had the time. Then I pulled Wu.
“Ohhh this is that crazy one that I’ve heard people talking about. The one that has a chance to miss.”
Sounded like a horrible special skill to me. A special skill that causes you to miss some of your attacks??? What da F… why not just create a hero that repeatedly punches itself in the face while you’re at it…
But anyway. Was still a 4* hero and I was in no position to even begin getting rid of 4* heroes at that point, so I leveled him up. Worst case scenario, I figured… he’d make my last war team, and hopefully at least be more effective than Kailani.
Leveled him up to 3/60. Had the mats to final ascend, but I wanted to make sure he was worthy of them first. So… I started testing him out.
Miss… miss… miss. Another miss!
“What the hell, this hero is absolutely useless…” I thought. But then…
Hit… hit… major hit… CRITICAL hit…
“Wait, what…?”
I watched as opponents that regularly took 5-6 turns to take down, dropped like flies before me.
“Okay, for real? There’s no way I just did that much damage with a few tiles… I’m gonna have to continue testing this.”
So the testing continued. Tested him on provinces. Tested him on titans. Even tested him in raids.
After about a week or so of testing, the official results were in:
Wu has changed my titan game forever, and on average I’m hitting for 2x what I was before. He never leaves my titan team unless it’s a yellow titan, in which sometimes I swap him out for cRigard (but only sometimes).
He does take some getting used to. He is my only 4* holy so I just ascended him to 4.1 today.
Wu really helps with titans if you can charge his mana before he is dead. I generally don’t use battle items with titans, but maybe if I used a mana potion on him it would help?
Thanks for sharing. It took me a while before I started to level and appreciate Wu. Now, I really like him in my Titan team
Simply put, Wu Kong is good at titans.
Ignore all who are too afraid to use him, because they are incapable of understanding what he brings to the table.
That said, you almost certainly don’t need two of him, nor do you need him if you have one of the few heroes that also rock a titans world as well or better.
This post should be on this thread: Advise for New Players July 2020.
My best titan hit with maxed but unemblemed Wu Kong was around 130k. It was surpassed with my 3/70 Miki at 175k.
To new players, Wu is a fine titan score booster. But he is already rendered obsolete with the release of Ranvir, Guardian Gazelle, Tarlak and Miki.
I completely agree on the quoted sentence. BUT…
there is a big but.
As a F2P with more than 2 years of experience, not able to get any of those precious few heroes that rock titans, I still use him to have better scores against titans.
I ended to max 5 Wu Kongs, and use them everytime in alliance wars, with fantastic results.
I am also a guy who doesn’t spend money on the game ( maybe US$15 total over 2 years) and I have just Wu Kong of those heroes.
I maxed a second Wu Kong and I’m waiting for Joon to get up to final ascension so I can feed that second Wu to him. I just don’t use Wu in Aliance War, unless I have to take out a team way above my power level, due to desperation. I am rarely desperate twice in 6 attacks.
I will certainly sit Wu’s butt on the bench while Tarlak plays…charged all, fired Jackal. ->. Joon. ->. Leo. ->. Wu…then tiles cascades…more misses few hits, now everyone is charged again…Leo missed , Joon missed…
Wu Kong links
([Play Style] The cascade squad or Wu Kong+ two healers- New Notes 2019-Mar)
(Wu Kong grinder gang or Powerful rainbow auto play team or Wu Kong plus 4 healers)
(Wu Kong Debuff Duo or Smart Probability or Two Defense Down heroes with Wu Kong)
I see some people push for high score in Challenge event epic and legendary mode with Wu Kong. I don’t even want to imagine the frustration of replaying one level countless times, finally getting a good board, and then having Wu Kong miss a ton of tiles to completely mess up the run LOL.
I’m personally using him fine on 7-8* titans (didn’t pull Miki this Atlantis )
I took Wu Kong with me everywhere I went, until I pulled Ranvir, then Miki. At this point, Wu Kong really only sees the light of day against purple tanks in war, and in the “epic” levels of events where you can’t use 5*. But, he is absolutely worth taking with you, if you don’t have the other titan killers!
As someone who seems to perpetually occupy the left side of the bell curve, I have a love/hate relationship with Wu. He was one of my earliest yellow 4*, so I’ve had him awhile.
My personal experience with heroes with a chance to miss is they save them for the worst possible time. Like when you really need your one dispeller to cancel opponent’s riposte or other buff.
When my 5th best yellow was a 3* I used Wu a lot in war without ever firing him, just for the regular tile damage
I spend a little, but my summoning luck sucks so I have a roster more like a F2P so no Miki, Tarlak, Ranvir, etc. Wu is it. I use him for purple titans and I think he mostly helps get higher score. Except sometimes the only matches in the weak spot are yellow, really frustrating to miss too many of those and everyone is dead before Wu has made a difference…
I’ve tried Wu on other titan colors and I find I do better with bear banners
The reality is that Wu is outclassed by Tarlak, Ranvir, and Miki. But Wu is the only one of those four that even a total F2P can reasonably expect to pull. And yes, while his main effectiveness is vs. titans - he can also be useful in raids and wars when trying to take down higher level teams. Back when my max TP was still only about 3500, I used Wu to take down several 4k+ teams. Personal best was taking down a 4500+ team with my 3500ish team for an amazing 59 trophy reward.
Of course he doesn’t work well every time, but when he does, he is amazing.
Combine him with Sumle and Danza for a devastating high impact raid team.
Great fun, if not desperate to fill a chest.
Wu doesn’t replace Bear Banners. He makes Bear Banners better. They do different things.
So he’s like the ■■■ Panther of S1 heroes?