Would you spread emblems out or dump them into one hero?

So I’m limited in emblems, wizard, cleric, etc. I have a few hundred of each. What spurred the thread was me trying to decide weather I should put all the emblems into el naddaha or hold off. She’s at +10. I could maybe get her to +15 with the emblems I have. Would you wait to get more emblems? Would you put them into a her with no emblems or would you dump them all into one hero? I want El naddaha on defense which as well. Would love to hear your thoughts.

  • Wait for more emblems
  • Put them on a hero with no emblems
  • Put them all into one hero with emblems to maximize power

0 voters

It’s be so helpful for some (me! :sweat_smile:) to know why people vote as they do, so please do not hesitate to share :hugs:

I try to spread out my emblems myself so my most used heroes (which are still mostly four stars) have a fair bunch of them - and I do that to prevent getting overrun in tournaments on Mondays already, as well as not cause matchmaking in Wars to be unbalanced (something with it taking your most powerful heroes into consideration?)

Someone as amazing like the hero you mention is probably going on your defense though indeed. Still, she can hold her ground, as she’s so powerful on her own, I think.

So I’d give them to someone else - those are just my thoughts from down here - bear in mind. Good luck :four_leaf_clover::blush:

I would give them to El Naddaha. If she’s on your defense, every little bit of attack, defense and HP helps. If you’re using her in raids and against blue Titans (in the high tile damage spot), giving her the emblems would help her tremendously.

I spread my emblems until my heroes hit the 7th node. Once they hit the 8th node it gets expensive so you have to make some decisions. From there on imho it’s important to focus a single hero you use most. So my philosophy was in line with the voting. However, what made me second guess the decision to give them all to el naddaha is that there are a few heroes coming out and assuming I pull them, I’d like to at least give them a few emblems. But it does make the most sense to ultimately focus on what I have, especially given their role in my roster. So I gave her and c alasie all the ranger/wizard emblems I had.

Thank you all who voted!


I have her at +20 shes maybe leaning towards defensive path but still relatively balanced. And when i first put her on my defense team i was horrified! she was always the first to die…There’s nothing like opening up the game to see you’ve been raided over 50x and having to use a flask to finish all the revenge battles… then I came to the conclusion it wasn’t her nessasarily but the lack of synergies within the team…swapping out for a different fire hero made all the difference and now she and the others keep me in the diamond range I am comfortable with.
I know I’m babbling again…moral is if it’s on my defensive team I go all out emblems…otherwise just take them to 7-10ish
good luck

When I first started out and for quite a while afterward I would spread my emblems around. This was not the best strategy for a great raid defense, but it was a good way to develop teams that could complete a wide variety of events and events were where my emblems were coming from.

At some point I was finishing everything and not needing an outrageous number of battle items so I began to emblem heroes with raiding more in mind.

So my overall point is that I think the strategy you use to emblem should reflect your priorities and that the way different people go about it is not necessarily the right way for you.


First I was spreading, because I needed as many useable heroes as possible. Now I have quite a lot good heroes, I need rather heroes with more strength and not more (in numbers), so now I’m putting all emblems on the same

I already played the game since emblems were introduced and as far as I remember, I always put them into same hero myself. Though lately, I’ve been stopping some of my 5* heroes at +11. I never do 20th node of clerics/rogues/rangers, cause I think those nodes are not worth the emblems - critical and healing bonus - they seem too expensive for what they are, those nodes will very rarely save you in any raid or war attack imo.

If I have a hero I’m sure I’ll never reset (well my roster is not that 5* heavy, but after years of playing, it’s not that small either), I’ll do 20th, sometimes even 19th node for golden emblems if I have some to spare, if that class is the one that I still have a lot of heroes in queue I wanna emblem (for me it’s rogue, monk and druid mainly)

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I also used to spread emblems around - mainly to be able to build mono attack teams for my alliance’s wars. I would also allocate some emblems for key Titan heroes.

Now that my roster has grown, I prefer prioritising my key heroes - have gotten many of my most used to +18-+20 now :slight_smile:

My mana troops for most colors are at 23/11/11 or 23/17/11.

I try to get to the mana talent node. Thats 19 or 20 for most heroes. For Rangers and Rogues its talent node no 8. In the actual meta most heroes are not usable in top100 wars or higher diamond raids without emblems and/or limit breaking.
Better to gave one good hero than two mediocre ones.
With the mana talent node, you can shave of one tile in attack with a lvl23 mana troop from a fast hero.An average hero only needs a lvl17, some classes with a 4% talent node only a lvl11 mana troop. Thus one tile can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Happy gaming

Would you rather have 10 pieces of not fully cooked and seasoned chicken or 1 piece cooked to perfection….