Who to level next? 5* Blue

Slowly but surely working my way around my roster!, but really struggling to decide on a blue 5* sniper!

Currently Morel is my go to 5* blue, but I want to find someone who packs a punch in the blue sniper spot as an alternative. My current options are:

  • Russula
  • Alice
  • Finley
    But also, honourable mentions to Iris & Richard, hiding in the background

Russula seems to be a real divder of love/hate. Finley I’ve seen get a lot of love, and Alice seems like a real sleeper for single target. I suppose I’m hoping that we’ll see a costume for either Finley or Alice in the next challenge event though…

What’s wrong with Iris?

I guess Alice for me, underrated. Finley has lost his touch imo.

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As a sniper I would go with Alice, high damage, good class and annoying debuff makes her great.

  • Russula
  • Finley
  • Alice
  • Iris
  • Richard

0 voters


You need dispellers in this day and age. Iris for me.

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Finley is amazing if everyone has buffs, but if nobody has buffs he is a weak sniper.

I say to go with either Alice or Iris. Alice is a solid sniper and Iris can dispel over multiple turns. Depends on what you need most.

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Thanks so much for the poll first and foremost! Apparently I don’t yet have permission to make one yet

It definitely seems like I slept on Iris, and she’s one i’m going to keep in mind for the constant dispelling. I’m actually really glad to hear that Alice is viable particularly given that I pulled her at thje same time I got my costumed white rabbit, so even get the little booster from the family bonus.

Always itnerested in seeing more votes in due course though!


Iris for dispel if it was me, I think. Followed by Alice. Such nice heroes, congratulations! :blue_heart:

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good evening, I believe that the morel finley couple is the best, with enemy buffs activated I think they do a lot of damage to those who are hit, benefiting your next skill, differently from the single damage of alice, it is more opportunity to take down the enemy


In my honest opinion, I would focus on Alice first 100%, quickly followed by Finley
Now I wish I had that problem lol
Whichever hero you choose good luck

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I would say Alice easily if you’re after some sniper. Iris is great if you are after some dispeller.

Finley seems too outdated for me, he’s good but not great in my opinion :slight_smile: