Who should be my next Blue to ascend

I almost have the telescopes to ascend another blue hero to level, after Alaisie. Please advise on which the following deserves the precious scopes,

  1. Aegie
  2. Isarnia
  3. Misandra

My own preference goes to Misandra because she’s good in raids and possibly events. Still I am not sure.

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2 or 3 depending on the other heroes in your roster. Will you share with us what you have?

There are my heroes;

Red: GM/4.70, Ares/4.50, Zim/3.70, Redhood/3.70, Santa/2.60, Khagan/2.60, Elena/2.60, Azlar/1.1, Natalya/1.1, BT/2.50, Wilbur/4.70, G.Falcon/1.1

Green: Tarlak/4.60, Alberich/4.60, Gregorion/3.70, Horghall/3.70, Morgan/3.70, Evelyn/3.20, MN/2.60, Hansel, Kadien, Kashhrek, buddy, Gadeirus, Melendor

Yellow: Joon/4.70, Wu/4.70, Inari/3.50, Justice/2.60, G.Jackal, Gretel, Leonidas, Lixiu, Chao

Purple: Khiona/4.70, Victor/3.70, Rigard/4.70, Obakan/2.60, Domitia/2.60, Proteus/3.60, Guintus, Merlin, Tibrtus, Sabina

Blue: Alaisie/4.70, Misandra/3.70, Aegir/3.70, Isarnia/3.70, Richard/2.60, Kiril/4.70, Grimm/4.70, Sonya, Boril

Since you don’t have Alby for mana gains, I’m leaning more toward Misandra. Plus, she’s solid on defense and has fast mana.

Although, apart of me wants to say Isarnia just because I love her so much. You do have Grimm, so not as crucial, but you don’t have Athena, so someone else to consider for Titans. She’s slow, but nothing a few mana pots can’t fix :wink:

Basically: Isarnia for the defense down for Titans, or Misandra for the mana gains, fast mana and defensive purposes. Aegir… well he can wait :smirk:

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Thanks for your input. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for a list.

Considering your roster I would go for Isarnia. She is the strongest defense debuffer you have and you will benefit from her in defense, offense and titan too. I would even use Her in the main defense team:
Joon-Isarnia-GM-Khiona-Alasie. ,this would turn it into a ultimate killing machine.

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Thanks for the advice.

No healer?

I have Kiril slotted in. Alasie does kill. Test both to see what you lose in trophies.

More often, except for Guin of course, you need 2 healers in order to be efficient. However this may greatly reduce the overall attacking power. So another strategy is to have all 5 fast and/or truly offensive attackers. This may work out, especially under the circumstance that you don’t have a solid tank such as Quin to build up your defense team.

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Yes, I absolutely agree with @Kenny. You live in 4* World and healers are as crutial as nothing else. In 5* World it is a different matter. Look to the top 100 players and you won’t find excessive number of healers, if any. I made it to a global rank 1 without a healer (unless Tarlak’s special would be considered healership). Every attacking situation requires something special, but healers are not needed in most of them in 2600+ battles.

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Old thread, but I have the same issue… I have the telescopes to ascend one blue hero.
I have Aegir, Isarnia and Frida all at 3/70.

My other 5* heroes are Zimkitha, Khiona, Magni, Azlar, Vivica, Guardian Panther, Drake Fong and Elkanen. All at 4/80

What blue hero to use the scopes to ascend?

I’d go Frida then Isarnia. Aegir is not worth ascending.