Here are some of my other heros for reference. I want to do a hero that I can get a lot of use from so please help me decide…also if you see any other hero that you think would benefit my roster to be maxed, please let me know also (as I have matts for every color except I’m very low on scopes -M. Lepus is crying about it)! Thanks for any advice you can give!
Hey everybody im new to all this. I would like someone to look at my main heroes and give any advice to who i should be working on or any other opinions. How can i post a pic or show you guys. Please and thank you
I think you have to post a few things on other threads to improve your membership standing before they let you start your own thread. Stops spammers etc, in theory.
I’d hold on to those mats for a while, at least after the upcoming costume chamber. If Marjana gets lucky there, she’d be my top priority. If not, Grazul will do in the absence of other ailment blockers. Good luck.
I would pause on those 5* and work on some 3* first, then 4*. why? the 5* are expensive i terms of feeders and food, and you won’t have the materials to ascend them yet anyway (judging by your Boldtusk stuck at 3/60)
not sure about the other half of your roster…
Bane, Pixie and Squire Wabbit are all worth finishing. Belith too so you have a heal-all. Berden, Balthazar are worth. Kailani… maybe not.
Colen and Jack O’Hare will be useful. Kashhrek… could help you survive some tough batttles, but does not have the staying power that Melendor has, for example.