Which heroes are you working on?(why?)

For blue, I’m currently working on Miki.

Why? Because it’s freaking Miki. I mean, c’mon. No explanation needed.

For yellow, currently working on Malosi.

Why? Because it’s freaking Malosi. I mean, c’mon. No explanation needed.

For red, currently working on Santa Claus.

Why? Because no other better red options. Thinking about testing him out as a tank once he’s done.

For purple, currently working on Chochin.

Why? Because IDK. It was either him, costumed Renfeld, or Grimble. Suppose I should have gone with Grimble first, but… meh. Just really not that into him.

For green, currently working on Hansel.

Why? Because I don’t have enough dang sturdy shields to final ascend any of my other greens. Game can give me 5 orbs and trap tools every month, but I have to wait 3 months for a single sturdy shield? C’mon man! This is ridiculous!!!


Don’t have any Yellows or purples that I need to work on.

Blues: c-Kirils. I already have one fully leveled costumed Kiril. This will be my second. I have 2 other fully leveled Kirils that I need to fully level their costumes. Note, I like to have my assortment of healers for war. I have multiple fully leveled c-Rigards and c-Boldtusks.

Reds: Guardian Falcon for Titans. Azlar is up next because I don’t have any other 5* reds.

Greens: Gaderius because… I like to have at least one of every hero fully leveled. Elkanen is next because I want to replace Lianna with Elk for war tank.


These are my current projects… GM, Clarissa and Malosi, because after focusing on 4*s, I reached low diamond/high platinum… And it’s time to step up my game.
Almur for blue titans, and in general green teams.
Grevle cause he’s super cute and will be great addition for my 3 stars army. :slight_smile:


Here’s what I’m working on. Yes that’s a blank picture because I don’t have materials for ANY of my current heroes. Unless leveling up Derrick becomes a thing.


Current Project
Tibs’ costume - almost done

Upcoming Projects- mostly green in preparation for Avalon

  • First give those shields to Caedmon. He was one of my first 4* greens… and I somehow managed to use him at 3/70 all this while without even realizing it. :confused:
  • Brienne Costume - Her costume makes her a mini-Athena. Will be quite useful for Avalon rare tier.
  • Jack O’Hare - this 4* bunny has been collecting dust for quite some time(I guess that makes him almost a dust bunny?) Guessing he’ll finally find a place in my attack team.
  • Brynhild - already have 2 copies of Brynhild properly leveled up. Feeling greedy now… although, in fairness, you can never have too many mana boosters. :man_shrugging:t2:

That’s my leveling plan for the next couple of weeks at least.

Have some tonics to spare… but going to let Heimdall sit at 3/70 for two reasons:

  • He is doing everything he is supposed to do perfectly fine at 3/70. Don’t have absolutely any reason to ascend him at this point.
  • I don’t want to spend 6 tonics until I have 6 more to spare. (You never know what you might draw… who knows… even a Horghall… :grin:)

Cool topic, still a relatively early game player here, highest 5* is 3-70.

Yellow: Gullinbursti (4-56) to max, 2nd maxed 4* yellow after Chao, will be of great help for events. No mana control heroes, but him + Cyprian I believe will let me finish legendary challenge events. After him I may either level a Melia, or finally spend darts when i get my 6th from PoV, to max my 3-70 Malosi. 3-60 Li Xui isn’t too high a priority.

Purple: Cyprian (4-67) to max, only 2nd max 4* purple as well, joining Rigard. Afterwards Rigard costume, and Balthazar costume. Have Kage at 2-60, but I can’t get trap tools to save my life, or tabards apparently.

Green: Leveling an Atomos (1-45), have a max Caedmon + costume, maxed Jack o Hare, and then Gadeirus at 3-60. Other options are Kash + costume, Skittles + costume, Little John, By-Ulf, Grevle, Mnesseus, but none seem that vital really.

Blue: Leveling Jott (3-31) to 3-60, then possibly fully ascending my 3-60 Triton. Have Sonya + costume and Kiril + costume maxed. Other options are Gato, or a 2nd Sonya or Kiril (I gotta say, Kiril costume is amazing).

Red: Currently feeding to Cyprian/Gulli, but will max Falcon now that I actually have gloves (he’s at 3-60). Gormek also at 3-60, Maxed BT + costume, and maxed Sumle. Had considered leveling Kelile or Colen, but hoping for Scarlett or Wilbur soon. (or idk, maybe a 5*? Have 11 rings, they’ve been dropping like candy, but no 5* red yet.)


I like this thread!

Im currently working on 2 sets of heroes:

For each element, I usually work on one 4*/5* and one 3*/4*. For the higher level hero I feed 2*/3* feeders, and the lower level I feed 1* feeders.

I still haven’t maxed out my non-costumed Magni but will probably just max out the costume first and then work on some other 4* ice heroes, b/c I’m not sure how I feel about using fighter emblems on Magni and having him turn into a druid. I will be getting my 6th scope from PoV which I could use to max Heimdall, but I will probably leave him at 3/70 and see if I can get Lianna. My greens are seriously lacking some hitting power (hence why I’m leveling Skittle). Little John and costume will be next after Skittle.

I work on most of my 3s to improve my performance in the 3 tournaments. Will be working on a second Gato for events after I finish costume Magni.


I am currently power leveling Neith. Once I am done with that, I will resume my normal on-colour feeding. The team that I would be working on is the following.

Red - My options are a third Wilbur, Sumitomo or Khagan.

Yellow - I am taking Vivica to 3.70. My other options are dupes Joon, Leo or Justice

Purple - Options are Stonecleave, dupe Sartana or Obakan. Decided on the 4 star.

Blue - Options were Richard, Perseus and Jott. Once again decided on the 4 star, just because they are so much faster to level and I have ton of 3 star AMs.

Green - Not much options here, so just working on Kashhrek, maybe if I someday I pull his costume that would be awesome.


White Rabbit is so awesome. You’ll never regret that one. One of my top 3 favorite heroes in this game. Love his def down that resets if target heals. Kicks ■■■ on titans if you have Jackal to pair him with.


Looks like I’ll be working on 3* heros this weekend in prep for the 3* Buff tournament starting Monday! :wink:

How are you liking Neith? You like her enough to max her but I also don’t know if she’s your only yellow option?

Edit: just saw your other yellow options

I ask because I have 12 sets of darts and 6 are going to Drake Fong but am not sure about the other 6. I have Neith, Roostley, Onatel, Musashi, Norns, Joon, Malosi, Guin, and Poseidon to choose from and I am not sure who to level. I am leaning Roostley but I see value in Neith too. I find Neith to be really annoying on raid def if I can’t kill her quick and she has been a deciding factor in some losses. With that said though, how is she on offense for you?

I’m currently working on Hansel, Melendor, and Wu Kong.

My green team is lacking power, and I need Wu Kong for titan battles.


Hmm, my current maxed yellows are Justice, Leonidas and Joon. After that I had 12 darts, so I thought of maxing another one. My only non-dupe options were Vivica and Neith, hence I chose Neith. I really like her because she is a great support hero. I have a level 23 mana troop which essentially makes her fast, which makes her even more desirable. Mana cut and blind to all at that speed has saved me on more than a few occasions even when I was using her at 3.70. For lack of better options, she is actually a very good hero to have.

As for your case, you have tons of good options in yellow. Drake Fong is probably the most versatile hero in EnP right now, so he is definitely fantastic choice. I am assuming that he will end up in your defense team after getting maxed and he will be getting all the monk emblems. In which case, I would rule out Joon (although if you manage to get his costume he is awesome). I feel that Malosi would be a great option especially if you face lot of Telluria tanks in wars and raids. And Poseidon is also a solid option. So I would choose between them, although I am not sure what you current maxed yellows are. :slight_smile:


Current maxed yellows are:
White Rabbit +17
Guardian Gazelle 4.80
Vivica 4.80
Delilah +9

I don’t think I would use any that I mentioned in previous post for defense unless it was Drake Fong, but currently use WR for my defense and it would take a lot for me to take him off def. He has slowly crept up to be one of my all time favs in this game.

Listing them out above just shows that I need a little more firepower in the yellow arena as a whole. Thanks for the feedback on Neith @ThePirateKing!

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Yes, considering your current roster, I feel Poseidon, Joon and DF will be the best options. With WR defense down and Gazelle attack up, you need some snipers to take out your opponents. :slight_smile:

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prefacing with: I’m FTP.

Red - Azlar, simply because I have no other Reds except a duplicate Elena. Will bring to 3/60, but sit on the Rings for a bit (I have 10, so will probably ascend Azlar once I have 12 UNLESS I pull a better Red 5*).

Green - duplicate Caedmon, as I have his costume, doing this for war depth. I paused dupe Caedmon to max Hansel, who is now happily on my raiding team; and Friar Tuck’s and Isshtak’s costumes (I had maxed base copies before). After dupe Caedmon is done, will probably work on dupe Hansel - though I also have 5 Tonics and a 3/70 Kadilen, so I’ll see. Lower priority: maxed Carver with a 1/1 costume, 3/60 Kashhrek with a 1/1/ costume, and 3/60 Gobbler.

Blue: Boril’s costume. In queue: probably base Richard to 3/70, then Richard’s costume. Only other Blues I have are dupe Richard, dupe Valeria and 3/60 Agwe. Dupe Valeria will probably get leveled next for Field Aid wars.

Yellow: Danzaburo, he’s already 4/69. Then probably dupe Lady Woolerton for war depth and maybe dupe Pixie for Raid Tourneys / Challenge Events; then I’ll pour everything into Malosi. But I might bump Malosi ahead of the two dupes, I don’t know. I only have 1 Dart now, but expecting to get 1 more from Summer Event and 1 more from PoV, and I think Shiloh dessert is coming up again soon-ish, so it might be good to have Malosi at 3/70 in case I get lucky with Darts (Mystic Vision loves giving me 4* mats, more than my chests do!). Will think about it. Other Yellows are 3/70 Leonidas and 1/1 Justice and a dupe Joon, but I’ve already decided Malosi will get the Darts over these; also have a 3/35 dupe Chao.

Purple: Sartana, then her costume. After that, 3/60 dupe Rigard will get ascended. Also have 3/70 Domitia and a dupe Sartana.


I was supposed to work on Gullinbursti but then I landed Mist. But I stopped her at third ascension to finally finish Gormek (who I stopped leveling half a year ago because I got shinier heroes) because I was advised here to do it.

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Okay, I’m no game expert… but I have a finished Gormek. He looks like he would be a great tank with all of that beefy HP, but… in my experience? He’s really not. Unless something has changed since the last time I used him. I’d mostly rate him as average, personally.

Is there a reason someone recommended you work on Gormek? Is your team weak on reds? Are you lacking other heroes with Ramming Pulverizer (Grimm and Tibs)?

I’m not saying that whoever gave you that advice was necessarily wrong, I’m just curious to know what their reasoning was.

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Currently working on these heroes:

Also leveling a third namahage and guardian bat parallel. Sif is waiting for mats and chameleon and isarnia waiting on the bench. But i usually don’t level more than two 5* at once.


I think she is really awesome since the buff. Totally worth the tonics.