Where to place your hero’s. How goes that work best?

Understanding the terms

Essentially when we talk positions there are three roles.

  1. Tank
  2. Flank
  3. Wing

In each team there is 1 tank (the center hero). The two positions on ether side of the tank are flanks (cause they flank the tank) and the ones on the very edges are wings.

One thing that is the general consensus is that you put average heroes closer to the tank and fast ones further out… Reason being that the tank protects the flanks and the flanks protect the wings. When the tank is alive, the flanks & wings can only be hit by 1 column of tiles each. When the tank dies, the flanks can be hit by 2 columns each with the wing still only able to be hit by 1 column. This means that the wings will get the least “tile hitting mana generation” so need to charge quickly on their own.

Another important factor to consider is that the AI (your defence team) will fire your hereos left to right. So the left wing fires first, followed by left flank, tank, right flank then right winger.

So when choosing which heroes go where, it’s important to understand each positions role.

The Tank

The tank is the position that is most prone to tile damage with 3 of the 7 lanes hitting it. Tanks g one of two ways. Either they survive a long time or they charge really quickly and do max damage before dying.
Some examples of the “soaking” type of tank include Aegir, Kunchen, Guinevere.
Some examples of the “fast damage” type of tank is Gravemaker. Not many others fit this role.

The best tanks are the ones people fear to face. Ones which can last forever and affect/ damage the enemy teams performance. Someone like Guinevere will heal, provide a purple buff AND cut mana. Yunan will soak up tiles, do both DoA and DoT AND give a healing inhibition. Kunchen will soak tiles, heal his team and lower enemy defence for the snipers.

The Flanks

The flankers are your first of your support heroes. Again, these go one or two ways. Either the flank is a support hero (healer/ inhibitor) or they are a sniper.
A supporting flank is primarily used to keep the tank alive longer. So either they heal the tank, provide him a buff, inhibit the enemy etc… Some examples include Vivica, Ariel, Hel, Kingston etc…
A sniping flank is there to mana up quickly and deal damage to the enemy. These flanks are there slowly to kill the enemy. Some examples of sniping flanks are Magni, Kageburado, Joon, Lianna
There are some times when the flanker can do both roles. Examples include Drake Fong (blind and fast damage), Kingston (sniper and attack down), white rabbit (damage & defence down) and Frida/Evelyn (damage, debuff and elemental down).


Like the flanks, these guys are a support role. Usually they’re fast/very fast snipers or healers/revivers.

The most effective healer/revivers are Alberich and Mother North (left wing). These guys have a chance at reviving dead team members as well as providing a healing buff to your team.

Many other people chuck in some fast snipers in the wings like Captain Kestral, Joon or Finley.

Other people throw in their damage over time/ healers. Heroes like Morgan Le Fey and Lady Locke are popular there.


I’m personally the kinda person who goes on the offense with my defence.
My team is below. The fast mana generators mean that it’s firing specials quickly. Yunan will sit there and do big damage if he goes off while sheltering my wings and flanks.