Hello there,
To clarify, this is about raid/alliance war defense teams and:
- Wing = the 2 outer edges of your team
- Flank = the 2 positions on each side of your tank (middle) position
I’ve been reading a lot on this forum about hero positioning. I understand that everything depends on your hero bench. I also take in count the AI firing your specials from left to right and the positioning of colors (strong color stacking V tank → place opposite color next to your tank). These three together already give me more clarity on where to position my heroes.
Often I read people saying ‘‘Rigard on your wing won’t be efficient, because his heal will go off when half of your team is dead.’’ and so on for multiple other heroes. It makes me feel like the wing spots are completely useless, but I understand they are of course not.
It does raise some questions I like to hear your answers on. I understand that it might be difficult to answer, considering it often depends on the heroes you have. But I’m happy with your opinions:
- In raids we focus on killing the opposing tank first by dropping tiles more often towards the centre three heroes. Doing so makes these three heroes usually fire their special attacks faster than the heroes on the wings. Would you consider this ‘‘fact’’ as more important considering the positioning of your heroes compared to the left-to-right AI special attack principle in general? I understand that this principle still counts for the three heroes in your centre.
For example: My current defense team in order is: Grimm, Caedmon, Rigard, Colen, Chao. Would you switch Grimm with Caedmon to ‘‘ensure’’ that Grimm fires his special before my other hitters?
Do you favor using fast hitters or healers on your flanks/wings in general?
Would you rather use a rainbow defense team or use two heroes of the same color, which opposes your tank’s color, on the flanks? Example: Blue, Red, Green, Red, Yellow.
You are forced to use slow hitters in your defense team (such as my Colen) because you don’t have any other stronger hero, where would your feeling tell you to position them in general?