Where should i use vivica?

Just pulled my first yellow 5* (was going for malosi but still unlucky?) And I got vivica. Plan to level her up fast.

My question is where would she fit best? Or how woud you use her?

My raid def is:
Mother north-kageburado-marjana-magni-chao
All emblemed to a degree

My raid offense (usually) is the same

Iam still building up my 2nd 5* for the other colors fenrir, telly,grazul,domitia.
Notable maxed 4* would be wilbur and proteus and other vanilla 4*

Is she a good use for events? Map pushing?

My team for events/maps is
Wu kong-magni-mother-boldtusk-tibertus
(As i find tile damage to be stronger as opposed to sniper hits during events/maps)

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Alliance wars for sure since i dont have much yellows.

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I use her in map levels, events, tournaments, titan stacks and rainbow-ish raid teams close to my level.

Despite her cleanse, I have found her too slow for the high level Telly-Vela-Jf meta.

I think she’s probably too slow for raid defence, but I I did use her, it would be flank. Too slow and passive for tank and wing.


If he gets her costume, though, she becomes a yellow Kunchen and can tank, no?


IMO, Vivica is great.

I think Vivica is not good on defense, specially if you already have MN in there.

Do you always use rainbow team in offense? Consider try to setup like 3-2 VS strong tank color?

Replace Wu with Vivica to be savety. But for low level maps autofarm better is hitter like Li Xiu not Wu.


Yes, costume is an entirely different kettle of fish :star_struck:


I use her on titans, one of my war teams and map levels and quests / events. Heal, cleanse and defense up are all very useful.


The sad(?) Thing is that if i pull her from costume event then i would have had a vivica already… does that make sense?

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I agree, so far, i dont think my team is steong enough to go against gm-telly-vela teams so i just spend ham to skip…

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Yes, but she’d potentially be maxxed already, so then you just have to do the costume.

You can then consider levelling a dupe in case you want to field both or have extra for war.

Or just feed or save for hero academy…


It does. First costume portal was without heroes and many people ran into a situation that they got a costume but didn’t have a hero for that costume. Now costume is guaranteed to come with a hero. If you already have such a hero, that is fine. You anyway max a costume for each hero individually. So you can quickly max a costume for your already maxed hero. Your newcomer hero may remain unlevelled or you can max it too.


Minus the resistance to defense ailments. But bonus points to Viv for looking absolutely gorgeous in the magician costume :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :rabbit2: :tophat:

I use her on my mono-yellow team and she slays: Viv-Jackal-Joon-Drake-Leonidas


Most of the time, i go for the fast snipe: kage+magni or marjana, or magni+marjana kills any one hero. Chao slows the firing of a particular heroes special and mother revives those killed.

Cant stack 3-2 yet because i dont have enough strong heroes. I mean, i guess i can swap out chao for the optimal color and go 2-1-1-1?


She could be a welcome addition to a mono yellow titan team. That would be wu kong-vivica-chao-danza-jackal. I have had luck with a mono yellow team against purple titans even with li xiu (instead of vivica)

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Was thinking of this for my higher level maps or events. Something like viv-magni-mother-wilbur-proteus. 2 healers, 1 sniper, 1 def downer, and a mana controller.


That’s a legit map team, I use 2 healers on all the hard map stages too. Personally, I would swap Wilbur out and use that slot to color stack against the boss.

For titans, consider putting Wilbur in instead of Danza: def dropper + elemental def dropper + attack booster + tile damage (yellows in this case). Wilbur may actually slot into most of your titan teams because of the defense drop and shared damage.


That is a great suggestion. Wiburs def down would stack nicely with jackals elem def down.

My only problem with running a color stack team is that i get really, really, REALLY upset when i see the “hero missing” accompanying the 1 point of damage my troops make.


I dont have enough experience with costumed heroes yet, but in alliance wars, can you reuse a costume? In my case, say i get a cVivica from the costume event. So i have 2 vivicas and 1 costume. I use the costumed vivica in my 1st team, can i switch the costume to my 2nd vivica and then use her for my 2nd attack?

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I am almost done with Vivica, and I have found her a very pleasant addition to my 3-2 raiding teams, whether yellow is the majority or minority color. I prefer to use two healers in almost all situations, and she’s the only easily obtainable yellow healer. I also use her against war teams where I need a cleanser, but as @JonahTheBard said, her speed - or lack thereof - is a detriment there, so Rigard is preferable. I found that she wasn’t durable enough at 3^70 in most instances, so if you don’t have the darts ready, you may be disappointed at first. Still, I think she’s a great hero, and I’m pleased to have her. I hope you like her, too.


Thanks for the tip. But man, i have been playing for almost a year now and she is my first yellow 5* so the darts have been patiently waiting in the shed (dart box?) for quite some time now. Hahaha!!