And what do you think about swamping Kingston and Marjana position? Idea is that Kingston fires first so the attack reduction rises with the attacks of the other heroes.
The thing is that both c. Vivica and c.Magni has defense debuff, Thais why I’m thinking in Magni,c.Vivica (Vivica debuff is all). Running Magni he should go on flank cos def buff is nearby. No luck with Magni’s costume ftm, so he’s not an option now
About the Rigard thing, got Clarissa in last costumes event, so she could be an option to change Rigard, but will be a long training
In blue element, my next strongest hero is Sonya+19. She is sturdy and is in defense atm, but I’m working in emblem Magni now that costume is out, so probably will be a better option in near future.
I’d place Marjana on flank, Kingston on wing, just because she’s buffier. Other than that, I think you’re good to go. Clarissa on the left wing will be great upgrade to Rigard when you finish her.