When does it make sense to level 5* heroes

Hey all,

I’m a level 32 player. My stronghold is at lvl 18 and I play with an alliance that generally only defeats 6 star titans max.

I’m eager to progress in the game. I have a few 5* heroes I’d like to start leveling. Ive been leveling my 4* heroes and currently have 3 maxed and 11 4*s at 3.60 because I have no compasses (with 2-3 more almost there).

Given the information, what do you suggest I do to most efficiently progress in the game and level 5 star heroes?

The 5 stars in my roster that have been leveled somewhat happened a while ago before I started asking rhe community for input. I am not currently leveling any 5s*

Post a couple screenshots of your roster so people can see which fours and fives you have. But in general, keep working on your 4s. One of the best ways to be successful in tournaments and events in particular, but also with titans, is to stack colors. To do so, you really want at least 3 maxed 4 heros of each color. It also takes a very long time to level the final tier of a 5* hero. Furthermore, emblems will go much further with your 4* heros than 5s. BT, Grimm, Wu or Rigard with 20 emblems are far more useful than a 5 hero of the same color without emblems. The game is a long grind, so be patient, but building diversity in your roster will serve you much better than having one strong team.


Here’s advice I have given before! It still holds true! :wink:


Boldtusk, Wu, Proteus, Rigard, and Kiril are all top-tier. I now have 15 maxed 5* heros and those guys are all still daily drivers for me. Except for Proteus, who I lack, and is probably my most coveted hero in the game. I also use Gormek a lot, even though he isn’t regarded highly by most players. Defense-down is a key part of my strategy and I don’t have Wilbur. Kiril’s costume is probably useful since you don’t have Grimm, as is Brienne’s. However I wouldn’t suggest leveling costumes until you already have a solid 30-deep bench for wars.

While you’re waiting on ascension materials, I’d work on Wu (then Li Xiu), Rigard, Caedmon, Colen, and Kiril’s Costume. As you get the materials, tag in BT and Proteus.
Skittleskull is a nice hard hitter, but I don’t use her much anymore and Caedmon’s dispel can be helpful.

With Proteus, Wu, BT/Kiril, Gretel and Tiburtus/Gormek, you should be equipped to complete almost all quests, including the 5* tier of challenge events.


Some great advice above from both @JAWS1 and @MisterDanno. You need to build out your roster of 4s, and Proteus is a huge game changer — with him I went from struggling to complete epic challenges to handily beating legendary. Only pirates was an issue because of purple reflection!

I no longer rely on him, but he still sees lots of use. And Rigard was my best healer until I got Ariel… but I have 1 Ariel, and I’m working on my 4th Rigard right now.

If you broaden your roster you’ll also start killing higher titans, doing better in tournaments, wars, etc — all of which are more likely to give you the ascension materials you badly need.


This may be true, if the rest of the OP’s alliance is growing also.

Not the question asked, but if you’re looking for 3* mats @PierreLampre then eventually you’ll need to be hitting bigger titans. If you’re outpacing the rest of your alliance you may want to find a different alliance home.

I agree with some above you could use more leveled 3* :woman_shrugging:


I think you should wait til you have at least five 4* mats to ascend a 5* hero. That way hopefully you can maxed the hero instead of park it at 3.70. A maxed 4* is a lot better than a 3.70

Anyway based on your current squad, i think you have some quality 4* project you can do. Maxed wu for titan, BT (arguably best vanilla 4*), kiril (best all around player), caedmon (high hitter and dispeller), and proteus (beast on event and raid)

Furthermore, before that 4* project (if you don’t have enough am to maxed them), just work on kvasir and
bjorn (imo two of the best 3* valhalla). Heck just do all of your s3 3*. They are a lot better than their s1 counterpart :grin: