Thinking about taking break - how to setup camp?

So…as title says I’m mulling over taking a break from this game for probably a month. The rng gods have claimed yet another victim as titan boards are absolutely junk if you color stack and if you go rainbow instead the strong color tiles rain from the heavens. Its very reproducible in my particular instance.

I’m already moving my lvl49 account to my own alliance after war where it’ll park. I plan on playing right up to where my vip expires and then its lights out. Going to farm the snot out of Atlantis to hoarde recruits.

What else would you do to prepare for a longish break??

**There was a post about this but darned if I could find it.


Ignoring all else, this is the best way to set up camp:

3 TC11 (30 day supply)
1 TC20 (30 day supply)

This way, when you come back, you may have some 5* surprises.


These were my thoughts back in January


Please, if you take a break, never log in and tell us if you receive some juicy offers after that month.

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Depends on your needs. Personally I would go with one of these options. (First option for me since I need standard tc20 heroes)

Tc20 x3 for 30 days.
Tc11 x1 for as many days as I can afford. Minimum 30 days


Tc20x1 for 30 days
Tc11 x3 for 30 days minimum

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I don’t have alot of 5* heroes but after running (1)TC20 for (6) months I have all of (2) 5* to show for it. I don’t hold out hope on that front. Apparently I’m on the super secret SG list to get plowed over.

Probably just run all (4) TC’s at 11 and be done with it since I have a bunch of projects and honestly don’t need any more at this time.

Thanks for the replies.

You could just do reduced activity in your own alliance. Do the class quests so you don’t miss out on emblems. Use your energy on Atlantis hard mode of you haven’t completed that. That’ll use your energy fast. If you see a rare quest do it for the ascension materials.

Oh, and it would be a shame to miss the Halloween event starting on the 28th.


Given that you have had bad luck with TC20 I would run at least 2 but likely 3 as stated by others. I have run 3 and every time I collect with 30 (10 in each which is 20 days) I get 3 5*. Only 1 time did I get 2 5* and unfortunately the last collection I got 0. But I was ahead of the standard rate at 7% but the last collection dropped me to 5* but I am still happy. 14 5* in under 300 collections isn’t bad and I have good ones. Running 3 TC20 will give you very good chances to get at least 3 5* but maybe more. Using the 5% rate you should get 4-5 5* but maybe more. If not you have some 4* that are still useful and 3* that you could feed away or keep depending on your bench. Plus you would have TC11 for more feeders.

Either way, good luck and let us know what you get from TC20 if you run it.

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In addition to the one @Steve9999 posted, check out this thread:


Maybe battle items aswell stock up on what ever you use the most? Then ain’t wasting food iron on them when you come back!

If you’re able to push far enough, 7200 recruits and 1440 backpacks will stock a TC2 for a month. That’s a lot of experience to work with when you get back. I just ran out of backpacks after having over 1,000 in store. I still have two weeks left on the timer and AR coming in a couple of days.

Also, assuming that your buildings are not maxed, you may as well start building the longest build time upgrade that you’re interested in (possibly a SH upgrade or advanced building). (As a side note, what happens if you start two buildings and then VIP runs out, do you keep both builders active until the first upgrade is completed?)


300+ days in low training, 200+ days in ultralow training, 12 WE flasks (though I doubt I’ll use em all).

As to your specific question…the 2nd builder finishes whatever they are working on then disappears into the wilderness…