đŸ§Ș The Beta Beat (V64) - Clash of Knight heroes, Super Elemental heroes, Journey hero, Goblin hero, Season 5 costumes -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

My thoughts exactly.

As many people as have asked for a birthday summon - albeit one for the players’ birthdays, not the game’s - I really hope it doesn’t suck. It’s once a year! Do something good! We don’t need yet another way to stock up on Dawas and Banes.


i hope with new owls there will also be a well deserved buff for the old ones

hahaha with that complete bs of new hero doing 490 at fast after def down a small buff for owls should be okay :sweat_smile:


and to add, all the heroes I’m seeing are 5*

meaning, many players will likely never pull them anyway :stuck_out_tongue:


it seems like black friday summon
what is great you can choose 3 feutured heroes from great list newest desirable list
there is no classic legendary and all heroes with costume is costume included
the thing that we missed in BF portal and hope there will be implemented too
and at the end if you get legendary you get one more free as goblin summon gate
here is 2.5 percent total to get hero
if birthday summon come in this form, i advice all to keep gems

really so far great heroes, asteal once, shaal, brimstone, ch. daae, darkfather, luna gestalt, fizzcoil
 and simmilars


what list?!

every hero?

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its like in taveen, bit longer list like 25 newest heroes that comes in game

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looking forward to see the exact list :sweat_smile:


Is there an Ariel costume on the list? Thank you in advance

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yes just checked but list is not final, but should be some heroes to choose and better ods and all othes mixed and with costumes


List to Select Featured Heroes: Luna, Darkfeather, Frond, Myoin-Ni, ChangÂŽe, Brimstone, Vaishali, Shaal, Starwalker, Hathor, Farrah, Smarttongue, Erlang Shen, Quinn, Sparklight, Phorcys, Sha-Wujing, Christine Daae, Fizzcoil, Gestalt


Thx for the comment. Are all the released 5* non featured legendary in the portal?

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I have pulled Ariel with costume in Beta

Costumes seem to be included.

Both now alll heroes to be included .


The Owl hero topic is finally here:


now we know which heroes they do consider the games mvps :sweat_smile:

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You got it wrong dude. The 2% is shared by all the non-featured legendary heroes so you have a way higher chance to receive a specific featured hero rather than a specific non-featured legendary hero


Here is the topic for Birthday Summon:

I will add the topic for Lunar New Year event only on Friday.


many many many thanks for all your hard work!!!


looking through beta for something new that is NOT simply a new hero

(and yes, because someone will pick on it, I KNOW there is at least the Birthday summon! :smiley: )


Staff have just gave us permission to share some selected images from the current Beta.

They gave us images for these heroes, which are now included in the OPs:

Some images will be available for Lunar New Year event too.
I will include them for it too.

All images in one place can be found here:


This seems like a good thing but weird. I like SG releasing more info, even if it’s just artwork. But, I assume this takes some amount of time to do, and I am thinking about every other type of communication this could trade off against.

I’ve never been one that needed to see all of the artwork ahead of time, so this doesn’t do much for me, but I think others will like this.