Love this, when I first saw her I thought this defense would be interesting, although probably not super effective, will certainly bother some that raid it though, interested to hear of the results.
I’m so impressed that you maxed 5 Ameonnas, I almost don’t care what the results are. Although I am curious, so I’m watching this thread. I like Ameonna more than many, so I kinda hope this works better than expected, but her fragile defense likely means only 2 or 3 of these, at most, will fire before they die. And those 2 or 3 better do some serious damage, because your opponent will be ghosting tiles like mad, and the little Ameonnas are going to get torched by specials when they come out of ghost mode.
Wish there was a feature that would capture the faces of folks the minute they encounter this defense team!
Ohhh i feel really dumb right now…
I just looked up “raid Ameonna” on YouTube and got this video as a result, but i didn’t pay attention to the enemies…
But after checking again, no i found no raid videos…
OK, I will do a Raid video,
Just a little heads up, I am going to lose in that video but it will show the damage against Guinevere, so it is at least something.