Tavern of Legends Taking a Break (May 2024)

Dear Community:

As the summer months approach, and the SGG offices are abuzz with talk of Beach Party season, our legion of legacy Legends have begun to grumble that they need a break. They’re beginning to show the strain from bearing the weight of their awesome reputations, telling and re-telling their epic-length heroic chronicles, and lugging around those massive egos of theirs. These folks need a vacation!

Following the Tavern of Legends event that starts 2024-05-03T07:00:00Z, the Legends Heroes will be taking some time off to rest and get their mojo back, maybe do some backpacking and read “Eat, Slay, Love”.

The Legends will be back, refreshed and impressive as ever.

This is gonna be Legen-wait for it…


-dary? Wait, what?!

The Legends are back already?

It turns out these guys might be legendary Heroes of the arena about whom tales are told and songs are sung, but they’re a bit clueless outside the comforting surrounds of their watering hole/gladiatorial arena.

Excited for their big getaway, our motley Legends shut up their tavern, put the newspaper delivery on hold, and set out on their travels. Unfortunately, their odyssey came to a swift and humiliating end in the tavern of departures lounge.

Big on brawn and short on brains, the Legends got deep in their cups and walked straight into the sights of a trickster. Our gullible goliaths promptly lost their travel tickets and holiday fund in a game of chance, and had no choice but to slink home with their tails between their legs and their faces red from shame, and ale.

So our mighty warriors have to go straight back to work to keep themselves fed and fighting fit. If you have any spare Legends Coins, the Tavern is back open for the summer with the familiar band of bruisers holding down the fort. Hang out this summer at the bar where you know everybody’s name!