Tank question - For beginners

Beginner question. To be a good tank do you need a high heart or shield number? Position central?

Central position the tank.
Usually I think high shield is better, but itā€™s good to have both. Also stats donā€™t mean everything, the special is also important.

It is not always stated, but tanks are defensive heroes when you use that term.

Wu was a tank for me early on because he was my first maxed 4*; however, he is seldom called a tank in general discussion.

Look at player guide section. The hero grades by anchor give a specific grade for tankish ability.

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Iā€™m looking to start playing empire puzzle soon but what should I know first

Guinevere. 20 characters

@kennie_fluffball thereā€™s a lot to read in the forums, probably the Player Guides and Gameplay & Tactics sections are particularly useful.

I would add this to your reading list for sure, maybe even the place to start: Advice for New Players, or "All the things I wish someone had told me when I first started."

Also recommended reading: What exactly is a Gacha? (Read before posting things about "unfair pulls")

Best of luck!


What @EvilSmoothie said.

Generally the slower the mana speed, the more ā€œsurvivabilityā€ the hero needs to be a good tank, which comes from defense + health (plus whatever the troop provides). But also consider what the special does - damage, healing, reflect, ???

A really general answer that I like, and use all the time, isā€¦ when you get more and more raid/war experience, a really good tank is one that you most hate to see on your opponents team (although this is partially colored by the particular makeup of your team)!

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I came across the following way of calculating ā€˜tankiness,ā€™ which I continue to use because it works well for me. 2xDEF+HP (heart/life)= value of tank.

May the RNG gods smile on you!! :wink:


In addition to @badassninjadad quoted Tankiness, you also need to think about the impact of the special. A sniper is rarely a good tank because itā€™s firing doesnā€™t shatter your hopes.

Please have a look at Anchor et alā€™s rankings, which has a column for defensive tank:

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Lots of money, paracetamol, xanax, and lots of patience. . Money to summon heroes, headache from RNG, xanax for waiting for months to get materials to ascend your heroes. A few new phone , the game can drive you into frustration and all you want to do is to break your handset.
So expect alot of funā€¦good luck


This is a good calculation I was sent recently by @JonahTheBard

2xDEF+HP (heart/life)= value of tank.

Are you in an alliance - that could help you


Other good teaching alliances are available


Oops sorry @badassninjadad . Just realised the calc I referenced came from you!

Note to self: pay more attention !

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And this ā€¦

If you DONT spend a bunch you wont get far.

Donā€™t fret @Annieb. :wink: The method of calculating ā€˜tankinessā€™ didnā€™t originally come from me. It came from one of our great posters out there, but I have no idea where or when i read it. It was some time ago but have found it a very useful metric for calculating which tank is most effective. Cheers, and good luck to you!

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Thanks a lot I appreciate it

Thanks a lot I appreciate it and lol

I didnā€™t mean to do lol sorry