I am dense (Question on hero positioning)

I have played for about 5 years; 1/2 the time im winging it. I undestand tanks. Just not the left flank right wing b.s.
I also understand color stacking.
Can someone in the community explain why it matters that some heroes are in certain positions.
Again, im not a newbie. Just stupid :wink:

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Have you ever considered a life of piracy? :pirate_flag:
Oh wait … :grin:

It matters in defence, because the computer fires your heroes from left to right.

It doesn’t really matter in attack, because you are in control of when you fire your heroes.


Thank you oh great puffin master

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the wings are pretty much useless {unless your a bird}, they are just spots to fill with characters and no benefit as to who specifically [with a few exceptions like a reviver hero]. the tank is also not particularly important but some what since generally the get attacked the most and charge the fastest but really thats mostly only a factor for your defense team and not when you, yourself are attacking. the flanks are the most relevant to synergy because you want to utilize heroes in those positions that buff allies on your team, ie glenda buffs the ss dammage done for the heroes on eather side of her, she would only buff one in the wing position and she could be used as a tank as well. doesnt matter left or right flank for the most part eitrher, its mostly a preference thing but some exceptions as well… i’m far from being the best player and havent played E&P in years actually…


On defense (and here I’m considering “standard” formation, because it’s the default for raids, but also because it’s what we all use for war and tourneys) the tank is, of course, the first big decision in designing defense: it takes the most hits at the start, and is often the most likely – everything else equal – to fire first, affecting the foe and/or your own team when it does.

When power levels are high, especially, the first few moves and first heroes to fire can shape, if not determine, the course of the match.

As @Steve9999 pointed out, if heroes charge up simultaneously then they are fired left-to-right, so having defense-down and attack-up heroes further left is generally indicated so that other heroes to the right have a better chance of benefiting from buffs/debuffs.

Left wing is classic “reviver” position of course, if using one, so that the dread Mother North sequence (i.e., Mother North revives everyone at once, everyone has full mana from having died to a tile cascade, everyone fires at once, Mother North laughs and makes the bones of your heroes into her soup) can go off, and Kalo tends to go on wing where he can sit out the fight waiting for you to kill his tank and fellow heroes so that he can hammer you with all their Specials at once (possibly, including revive)…

but other than that, since wings are out there, they tend to be a good place to put faster heroes (because they generally get hit by fewer tiles and charge up more slowly).

On offense ordering there can be a few considerations:

  • noting enemy heroes who specifically hit the edges of your formation first, when applicable
  • noting if enemy heroes hit-3 (since, assuming random targeting, that means your middle three heroes are more likely be struck by a hit-3 attack against an intact offense)
  • choosing order for your own heroes who affect 3 (with buffs, healing, minions, etc)

I think it helps when attacking to put weaker hero’s (those 1lb) and healers on the wing, 2lb heroes in the middle three positions.

If the enemy hits the target and nearby heroes it’s got a slightly smaller chance of getting your less strong heroes and giving them a better survival rate.

I guess that’s just obvious, sorry Steve not sure why I clicked reply to you.

Happy pillaging!