This, right up front.
If you desperately wanted to find ways of dealing with Guin in 4* tier, you’ll want to stop her firing - either silencing, mana cutting or mana generation blocking… Ie: Peters, Hansel, Merlin and Proteus - take one or more of these guys and some mana potions and you’ll get through it much easier than bringing Mist, they’re not weak element and they stop her completely rather than mostly.
(I wouldn’t strip Rigards emblems for Hansel, especially if you have his costume! No emblem conflicts on the others).
Take his costume off for the event. You won’t have the attack boost but you’ll have cleanse and the potential mana shield.
I have 2 Rigard C at 19 and Mist at 18 for war
Yeah don’t strip rigard you will use him so much more in the future he that good. You bee Albe to clear avalon it’s just putting right squad together.
I regularly use my Costume Rigard +19 instead of Kunchen; so much so, in fact, that I recently stripped the +7 talent grid off of Kunchen to give them to Hatter instead. I only use Kunchen in war attacks now; if I’m bringing a purple stack to a normal raid, it’s always got Costume Rigard on it.
I’m currently leveling up Mist myself, but I would hold off and just let Mist get emblemed up naturally. No reason to reset Rigard and essentially waste all the food & iron you poured into putting those emblems on him in the first place… especially if you would then be inclined to re-emblem him later once you are done with Mist.
Good gaming!
No. Just no, dude.
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