Please help me with Avalon strategy


This is very confusing.

It would help in the future to ask just about Epic.

Or split it into Legendary, Epic and rare sections.

Green 4* heroes

None of these heroes hit hard.

Almur is cool and all, but green 4* heroes are notorious for being too many healers and not enough hitting. Almur pairs well with Buddy. But Melendor, and Little John, are glass cannons. It is almost the inverse of Guardian Falcon + Boldtusk + Gormek/ Wilbur + Scarlett.

With out Proteus, Wu Kong is the star for Epic tier. With Wu Kong you often need 2x generic/ rainbow defense debuff heroes ( 2x Ramming Pulverizer in strong, neutral, colors helps since Gambler’s stance has a lower chance to miss if you fire 2x Ramming Pulverizer).

Wilbur does no damage himself, so need good team.


What is the rest of your roster?