đŸ”Ș Senan – 5* Dark / Purple from Slayers of Fell Shadows

I use a ninja troop with Senan, so he gives about + 126hp per round at the maximum stack, he also wins my attacks, the soldier himself stays in the field

Seshat and/or Khiona will give him a big boost if you are lucky enough to get one

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I also saw today, his fiend activated his sorcerer talent, just like Thoth-Amuns minions. Super op. I’m gonna test it again, but when it happened, I was super shocked and then elated.


From what I remember the Thoth-Amun minions’ proccing Sorcerer’s talent were a bug according to devs so we should expect this to be fixed.


Question is, are fiends treated the same as minions?

I can see arguments on both sides.

No, they are different.
Minions are summoned for allies, while Fiends for the opponents.

If a hero has got resistance against minions then that hero can gain Fiends.
Also a hero which removed / steals etc
 minions from the opponent, then it does not removes / steals Fiends.

The only thing what they have in common is that the combined count of them on a hero can be only 3.


Thanks, but that was besides the point.

Got mine on +19

Will he be good enough to tank instead Alfrike?

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You know, I just don’t know about him, I really think he needs a bit of a buff, they all do, one or two hero’s on their own just doesn’t make it playable or worthy enough to accend, if they all got a buff or an additional skill or something added to their card then I think it will be pretty balanced and decent for what they are and what they can do, and you can use them more for a variety of things and not just a defense team and that’s it

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: I gotta admit that your “All heroes are terrible and need a huge buff” bit is pretty hilarious.


Yes if you pair him right

Probly something like MN, BK, Senan, W.Rabbit, Isarnia
Thats for VF wars

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I just ascended him, I’ve used him at 3/70, I thought he was well worth ascension,he doesn’t need a buff imho

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Do it you won’t regret it! He has served me Well with Very fast War,tournament’s and Even on my own def team. Even with that 772 atk you’ll see a 400+ damage to each enemy and if you pair him with a ex. Heimdall or Rigard you’ll love it.



I have him at 3/70 and think he is great, but im agonizing over him or Hannah to get the mats. Anyone use both and have a strong opinion either way?

Id ascend Hannah rather than him but surely he is better than her for long fights.

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Well Hannah Wins by 1000000000% she can easily fire her special 2/3 times before Him. If I had her I would of Ascend her instead but I gotta work with what I have :nerd_face:

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Both serve their respective purpose. The one one question you need to answer is whether you have another slayer/Elizabeth. If you do, then Senan/Elizabeth is a better comb than Hannah and Elizabeth (imo). If you don’t have any way to support Senan, he needs to wait for Hannah to be maxed.

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Couldn’t Agree more I’m running this def at the momen and they work great. Specially against PL.



This is the def I’m running. I want Elizabeth and Frigg to distract the opponent while Rian/Senan set up. They do a great job at what they do. I usually win 3/4 of my raids whenever I’m raided.