šŸ”Ŗ Senan ā€“ 5* Dark / Purple from Slayers of Fell Shadows

Thanks. I do have Rian, but only at 3/70 for now. Aodhan and Orla maxed emblem and LB. Its part of the reason Iā€™m considering Senan. But, it seems like hannah is the safe play

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Love Feline! Good Team! Love it

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Just got this guy and Iā€™m wondering how good is he actually?

Great hero. Best if you have at least another 4 star slayer.

I gotta admit, Iā€™m a bitā€¦ torn, for Senan? :thinking: Tried him out in a few different scenarios, I had him maxed and emblem +8 and in the recent 5* raid tourney, out of 25 matches ā€¦ he lived maybe 3 times long enough to actually /attack/ ā€¦ Sooo Iā€™m thinking, is he really more useful as a raid defense/war defense option? I have Saoirse nearly maxed as well, but Iā€™m now suddenly not sure about her either, I really thought Slayers passives would let them gain mana just a smiiidge faster than they do?

I manage to pull both 5* blues last time Slayers rolled around as well. Maybe I could put Senan in with Cathal and Saoirse ? :thinking: Idk, I am really torn, itā€™s a strange feeling for me. :sweat_smile:

Other temptation is: reset emblems on Senan and give them to other sorcerers I have? Yes / No?

I just feel a little disappointed with Senan :frowning: Elizabeth is still the better fiend summoner for me, even if Senanā€™s fiends are slightly stronger.

Iā€™ve always seen senan as an upgrade to Quintus first. The fiends are nothing but secondary/perks to use him.


Iā€™ve got my Senan at +20 and Iā€™m not disappointed at all. He charges up surprisingly fast even by himself. I use him with Freya and I find that both charge at about the same rate by about mid battle more often than not. Would love to get a second Slayer to pair him with for the mana bonus.


Never considered him for def. He is a key to mono team.


He survives

The hero card now updated with the mana speed change in Version 47.

I got Senan in the slayers debut . Heā€™s been sitting at 3/70. Still undecided. Maybe is all the OP heroes released the last few months. I donā€™t need him for defense and the other slayers I have are the 4*:s. Thought maybe with Cillian (Lb+20) in a 3-2 for offense only. Have 5 tabards and the other options are dupes. Second Killhare+C or second Guardian Panther. Seems like heā€™s missing something or maybe is the terrible art. He looks like a homeless drunk lol. Dunno

I play mono. Attacking 4850 with 4650. On the tough boards my triple max Senan is often last old man standing and the winner.


It also depend on emblems we have.
Cillian, Killhare and Guardian Panther all of them are Fighter emblems.

Senan is solid sturdy, good hit and have strong (high HP) fiends makers.
He is in my mono dark team.
Slayer mana charge is slower then avarage, but it become faster than avarage, and faster than very fast in Rush-Rule, he is also a sorcerer (class 20 mana +4%).
If we have Sergei, I think we do not need 2nd Guardian Panther (she is too weak without emblem).
Sergei is faster and defdown element all enemies, great synergy with Killhare CB or Senan.

Hadnā€™t thought of Sergei. Could also pair Killhare with Nadezhda (50% damage reduction) for the ailment. I do have emblems for Sergei. Could try something like this

Have some emblems for Senan if he gets promoted

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Pulled him today gonna level now is hp<attack<def the right choice whej i get there.


So what is he emblems and limit broken?

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I always check @Bukefal ā€™s database :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I pulled this guy in CF2, but in the age of Lu Bu (who I have at 4/80/18) Iā€™m struggling to justify a place for him.

Donā€™t sleep in the chubby dude. He self buffs his mana pet quicklyā€¦ Place a 15% mana or a 20% magiv/styx troop on himā€¦ Throw in a 20% mana bump from ahhotep/xnolphod and they guy can charge in 6 tilesā€¦ Events/towers is where he will shine the most because of all the turnsā€¦ But in raidsā€¦ He can be a great contributor (with xnolphod). I said elsewhereā€¦ Lu bo at 11 tiles versus senan at 10 tilesā€¦ Lu bo winsā€¦ But lu at 11 and senan at 6ā€¦ Senan hands down. Alsoā€¦ There is a way to get him to go off in 3 tilesā€¦ And 2 in vf eventsā€¦ But the latter is not going to be typical.

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can you explain how many % mana he needs to make him cast skills in just 9 boards?

I donā€™t have xno/ahhotep , so I donā€™t think I can get 6 boards like you said.

Thanks in advance

Sureā€¦ Give me a minute and Iā€™ll screen shot the math.

First the preambleā€¦ Iā€™m pretty sure slayer speed is 11 tilesā€¦ If Iā€™m wrong someone let me know. Emblem mana bonus is 4%ā€¦ Soā€¦ At 15% mana troop, If he gives himself 1 stack of 5 percent before you start marching dark tiles, he will go off in 9 tiles thereafterā€¦ Maybe sooner if he keeps adding stacks. At a 20% stack he will go off in 8, 7 with a 40.

To get him at 6ā€¦ Youā€™ll need an Ariel or costume yunan or odin to push him to it.