Seeking advice to beating 8* titans

In our alliance we generally hit 6/7* titans and always beat a level 6 with hours to spare, and generally most 7* titans, however we have never been able to make the step up to defeating 8* titans.

Th top players in our alliance generally have a war defence of around 4200, so they have 5/6 maxed 5* Heroes, so most titan attacks are generally made up of 1/2 5* Heroes with the balance in 4* heroes. Pretty much across the board everyone use Wu and mono team depending on the titan.

What titan killing wisdom can you give us to help us get the elusive 8* titan, or is it just a case that our heroes are just not strong enough in depth at the moment.

Grateful for any views on thisā€¦

Grumpyā€™s Marauders

This thread and subsequent links help explain a lot.
The progression is natural. Once you kill an 8 star titan youā€™ll find you can kill them again but maybe not string them together until the collective gets stronger.

Edit: Simplest snapshot tips
Color stack and try to include someone who can apply defense down - elemental defense down - attack buffer (Wu Kong, Ranvir, Miki, Tarlak, Guardian Gazelle)


Itā€™s a mix of thingsā€¦


Learning to play the boards right.
Hit the weak spot and stall it as much as humanly possible - not just to save damage, but to save time! Time is points!


Building benches for titans.

If Wu is your only option then heā€™s inā€¦ If you have Miki, Tarlak or Gazelle, drop Wu (misses = failed stalls = lower scores).

Get key functions in all colours - defence drop, elemental defence drop, attack boost.
So for example in Blue: defence drop Athena is best, the maxed Isarnia, then Grimm; elemental defence drop is Frida, Arthur or Nordri; attack boost is Kiril.
And then ideally a high attack stat hero for extra tile damage in any remaining spot/s. If struggling to survive, a healer also.

Iā€™ve used Nordri+18 on 8* titans with success, squishy yes, but better scores than going without.


And beyond all thatā€¦ Itā€™s alliance depth.

My alliance consistently beats 6* and 7* - but itā€™s usually 3-6 of us doing the vast majority of the damage.

Any alliance that has a mix of players is going to experience this to some extent - so up to a point, who you have on your team is going to limit what you can actually beat!


@BubblesUK These are my titan teams, grateful for any comments you might have

The order is key. Always fire that Wu Kong last.


The worst thing is to fire it first and then miss your status ailments!

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Without knowing alternative heroes itā€™s hard to sayā€¦

Minions often cost you time, so theyā€™re often a bad idea.
The only minion heroes I take regularly are high attack minions and a good attack stat - Freya (minions can hit hundreds each) and Puss in Boots (high attack stat for an attack booster in red).

I used Telluria for a while and dropped her - sheā€™s bad for my titan scores, tile damage is low and minions donā€™t hit enough to make up for the time they cost.


If you have Buddy or Almur, Iā€™d get them in - even get both in!
Depending on the path youā€™ve taken, costume Mel probably has less tile damage than regular Mel (so take regular).


A highly emblemed Nordri will improve your scores, Sonya doesnā€™t give great tile damage so sheā€™s the one to drop (except rare titan).


If you have Wilbur, heā€™ll do better than Gormek - better tile damage counts for far more than a small direct hit.
Marjana hasnā€™t got great tile damage - there are 4* heroes that will have higher attack stats and perform better (Scarlett or Lancelot, especially).


Dark and holy look good - Panther and White Rabbit improve them but theyā€™re not easy to get.

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Really appreciate your helpful advice @BubblesUK

Greens - I will drop Telluria - green is my worst titan team so that could be a causeā€¦unfortunately I dont have Buddy or Almur. I will take your advice on Costume Mel and go without costume. My other greens are Skittleskull +14, Caedemon +7, Brynhild and Lady of the Lake 4/20. So few attack options on green.

Blues - Very interesting on Nodri, unfortunately mine is only +4, but is something I could look to improve over time. Others Boril +6, Mireweave +1, or Finley 3/20

Red - I have Wilbur +7 so will bring him in for Gormek. I have Scarlett +8 so can bring her in for Marjana, My Lancelot is only 3/60

Thanks again

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Sorry to be thick here but when is the best time to fire Wu? General wisdom in the alliance is to pre-charge and fire when there are a few matching tiles on the board. Is that what you mean?

Wu fires last so your attackers donā€™t miss. So the preferred order is (Iā€™ll use blue for example) attack up (Kiril) elemental down (Frida Nordri) defense debuff (Grimm Isarnia) high tile damage, then wu.
If using someone other than wu Kong such as ranvir or miki, they would fire after a kiril in my example.

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Yes, generally.

But when firing all specials togetherā€¦ Wu should come after your other specialsā€¦

Fire Wu first and then Wilbur, for example, and you can miss with Wilburā€™s defence drop - in that case, Wu costs you a LOT of extra damage.
So, you fire Wu lastā€¦

Colour Stack against the Titan and use attack buff heroes and also defense down, and hopefully element defense down too + Tornadoes + Mana Pots + Turtle and Bear Banners. Thatā€™s the only advice you need :smiley:

Right now for example, I am using against a blue titan (11*):

Wilbur (defense down on the hero and defense up for the team)
Evelyn (green defense down)
Hansel (stop the special going off)
Little John (slow mana increase + hits hardest for my green heroes)
Miki (increased damage boost)

For this, I am using: 5x Bear Banner / 5x Mana Pots / 10x Minor Mana / 5x Tornadoes (but generally try use as few as possibly, I hope for 0, but may need 1 or 2).

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The biggest thing is to be patient. Wait for the right time to fire everyone. If you fire all of your heroes without any matches, itā€™s a huge waste. Thatā€™s where tornados come in. And one more thing is off color diamonds. Donā€™t think of it as wasting a move, however think of it like clearing the junk out of the way to bring in more of your color.


Alliance iv been in for a over year we had n still have issues with beating certain titans levels. Like you 6 easy 7 can but maybe not beat the one after we got to 8-9 but people left to our other alliance so we steady on 8 its just everyone level up heroā€™s it makes it all easier you will hit the wall. Titan spawn is a big difference aswell as Iā€™m UK we got Australia but most USA Canada so time zone can alter your alliance titan hitting if you different people from the world

Weā€™re facing 10/11* titans and in our alliance, certain colors are easier to take down, red and purple titans are a lot easier than the rest, itā€™s just based off team rosters, we have a lot of escape titans when we get to 11* to bring it back down to 10*

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread it has helped me a lot. We are currently attacking a 7* Rare ā€˜Thunder Unicornā€™ Titan, with the chance of a bonus telescope. It is going well with 7.5 hours leftā€¦

One more question thoughā€¦I learnt about the Nodri Elemental Defence Down special and wondered if other heroes had this elemental ability for other colours?

Grumpyā€™s Marauders

Yes. Guardian Falcon is red, Guardian Panther is purple, Guardian Jackal is yellow, Evelyn is green, and Frida is blue. I believe thatā€™s why so many people save gems for the guardian summons. Evelyn and Frida are past HOTM. Not sure if theyā€™re available in the ToL summon yet but I wouldnā€™t chase after them in that particular portal. Your chance of getting either of them specifically is incredibly low. Something like .14%. And before you chase any one of the guardians, read the thread about chasing guardian panther so you can get a realistic expectation of what it will take.

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I also had yet another suggestion for you guys. If there is a particular color titan that you are weak against, it wonā€™t hurt to use a neutral team instead of trying to force the issue. For example, I am very weak against purple titans. I only have a couple of yellow heroes that have good attack stats and I donā€™t have jackal. So instead, I bring my mono blue team against them which is my strongest team. Granted I donā€™t get the strong hits from tiles, bit Iā€™m still able to put up better numbers than I would with yellow.

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Thanks @masterslamhole I picked up G Falcon and G Jackal last month and Falcon is almost done. Naturally i didnt get Panther and Evelyn and Frida have eluded me thus farā€¦ Are there any other 4*/3* heroes with this special ability, other than the two mentioned

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Not to my knowledge. But since nordri was the second blue with the ability, it wouldnā€™t surprise me if they added some future Valhalla heroes that can do the same. Thatā€™s just a guess though.
Edit: I think I forgot King Arthur but heā€™s a five star as wellā€¦