Help!....I went from 6* titans to 12* in new alliance

I have 19 5* maxed and more 4*…i can barely keep the heros alive and am not getting hits like my alliance team…i know i need to give more info…anybody have any tips?? Thanks in advance

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I often use green banner+ axe as soon as I can’t hit the soft spot. That can prevent 4* to be oneshotted.
Crit troops helps as well


That’s a tough jump from 6* to 12*, you need different tactics and some practicing.

Keeping at least some of the heroes alive, high tile damage and cascades are all needed. Some generic guidelines:

  • banners and attack reduction items, as Julia said above
  • more focus on hitting the weak spot
  • mana potions to activate your healer or Wu when needed
  • try to make diamonds, even if not right color - it might start a cascade
  • timestop - save your heroes for a few more turns,
  • tornado when enough right color tiles are on the board, but not close enough to each other.

Practice and experiment. :slight_smile:


Good advices @SilverDragonR.
It takes some practice, also for item management as mana and big items can get exhausted fast when fighting 12* daily.
Sometimes it will be better to take a faceplant than wasting expensive items on a bad board with all wrong color tiles.


Team composition also plays a role. Ideally you want an attack buffer, a defense debuffer, a color specific defense debuffer, Wu or Tarlak, and multiple strong color hitters with good tile damage. If you have heroes that do multiple things, so much the better. Here’s some 4* examples. There are lots of 5* that would also fit in and allow better survival.

Attack buff: Kiril (also heals and adds defense buff), Boldtusk (also heals)
Defense debuff: Wilbur, Buddy, the pulverizer triplets
Color specific debuff: Jackal, Falcon
Strong tile damage: Scarlett (also adds attack debuff)

So for a green titan, you might use Boldtusk, Wilbur, Falcon, Scarlett, Wu and turtle banner


you also pretty much have to color stack or you’re looking at bupkiss. The above poster has it right - defense debuffer, tarlak or wu, and 3 strong vs titan. if it’s in color you can bring an attack buffer (boldtusk kiril ares gaderious etc).

eg my lineup for a rare 12 was athena magni alasie kiril wu.


My best hit was on a 10* purple with Jackal, Drake, Joon, Chao and Wu. 144K with only bear/turtle banners, axes, and potent heal potions


Wow…that is awesome…what bragging rights…keep it up…:slight_smile:

Thanks much for input…it was a tough leap

Ha ha Right? was…start fight and watch them die right away…certainly didnt work my way into it…thanks for the tips

if you don’t use defense items, all your 4s will get one shot and some of the 5s too. even an axe isn’t enough, you need a bomb or axe plus turtle/dragon.


I bring Wu & Wilbur to every Titan fight. Strong color stack the remaining team slots.
Small mana potion, small healing potion, time stops & tornadoes.
Mana up Wu & Wilbur first thing.
I average 85000 per flag.


Thank you Azure…very helpful…i have Wilbur and Wu…both great heros

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Thats my biggest issue right now…jumping to these beastie titans and timing my defenses and/or correctly using them…thx a bunch

I will usually start a titan with some sort of attack debuff (axes,bombs), accuracy debuff(arrows), or defense buff (turtle,dragon banners) if I don’t have a stun in the first move. Mana potions and tornados are your best friend, letting you fire specials that can increase your damage many times over like defense debuffs and attack buffs.


I would add one item to the “survival” list against 12*s:

  • Wilbur: When his special is active, your heroes don’t get one-shotted.

Wilbur is amazing to fortify your heroes do they last longer in the battle. Wu can give great gains, but this needs to be weighed against his misses. If you count on stunning the titan as part of keeping your heroes alive, then those missed tiles to the weak spot could lead to a shorter battle. Pros and cons.


I moved your post to gameplay and tactics so that more players can benefit from this discussion. :grinning:


Calling BS here. You do NOT average 85,000 per flag.

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85k average :joy::joy::joy::joy:hahahaha