Season 2 Missions Advice (Enemies, Bosses and Special Stages)


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*Just wanted to point out that I didn’t make this image (I’m not Ramsay Bolton). :slight_smile:

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Enemies and Bosses

Bosses / Enemies (and Special Stages) I

  • 50 Emperor Moths
  • 400 Golden Macaws
  • 50 Poison

As mentioned here 2.3.5 combines the three so I did this to get all of them

Bosses / Enemies II

  • 100 Stegasaurians
  • 800 Undead Pirateers

2.1.4 - Combined the two. In retrospect, the above image suggests 2.1.2 does too. No idea which would have been better at this point.

Bosses / Enemies III

  • 150 Kirins
  • 1200 Ice Kitsunes

2.10.1 - I found this gave me the most Kitsunes out of the options available, and that’s the slowest part.

Bosses / Enemies IV

  • 200 Gashadokuro
  • 1600 Kappa

2.14.9 seemed best until you get all the bosses, then switched to 2.14.1 as it averaged 6.9 (or 2.13.2 which averaged 6.6, tho small sample size).

Bosses / Enemies V

  • 250 Gadeirus
  • 2000 Atlantean Drones

The following stages contain both (Gadeirus always has drones, drones appear without Gadeirus):

  • 2.25: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
  • 2.26: 1, 3, 6, 8
  • 2.27: 2, 3, 7, 8

Have been recording stats of drone kills (see below) and 2.25.1 came out ahead by quite a lot, so I’m playing this until I have Gadeirus. @BarryWuzHere points out the loot appears to be much better on 2.27.3, so might switch over to that.

Special Stages

Special Stages I

  • 50 Poison

2.3.5 - Combines the stage along with bosses and enemies, so I did this to get all of them

Special Stages II

  • 100 Magic Night

2.6.3 - Best level for recruits and not bad for xp - see my Magic Night post for full reasoning.

Special Stages III

  • 150 Dense Fog

If it helps anyone else earlier on in the bosses Quests than me:

  • Stegasaurians: 2.7.2, 2.9.5
  • Kirins: 2.18.2, 2.18.9

I did the 2.9.X levels for the XP (for fewest flags). Between these I felt 2.9.2 gave the best loot, where 2.9.5 had a few extra monsters when I had a chest to fill.

Special Stages IV

  • 200 Underwater

Again not much available data that I could find. Options are:

  • 2.10: 4, 6, 8
  • 2.11: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
  • 2.12: 2, 5, 7, 9

In the end I noticed that the materials I needed appeared on province 11, so I just randomly spread my attacks around these 5 levels.

Special Bosses

Unique Enemies

  • 100 Orichalcum Seadragons

My current understanding:

  • These only appear during Atlantis Rising
  • From what @BarryWuzHere has said, the appearance rates would be the same for any given province/difficulty
  • The appearance rate is PER ENEMY

So the key would be to find a province you want to farm OR the province with the highest appearance rate per WE and find the level with the most enemies and do that one during Atlantis rises. I’ll dig around and see what I can find. :slight_smile:

Personally I intend to do 2.9.4N for decent Monsters and optimal recruits.


As you can probably tell, I’m taking it a bit more easy on the forum - sorry for not replying. I am still playing the game in my alliance, Eldunarya . We would love to have you and we have spaces. We are an experienced, friendly bunch that take it easy (only war hits are mandatory). Look us up. :slight_smile:


I do this mission now; why is 2.9.2 gaving best loot?
2.9.5 is with the avatar stegosaurus - not a priority, ever :smile: and for monster chest i do the 8-7 recruits with 24 we

im doing 2.9.8 and gives ok backpacks 2/3 per run.

I have 34 WE at the moment, so I was doing 4x 2.9.5 then 4x 1.8.7 (it would take me about 20 mins by which point the last 2 flags would have recharged).

It seemed to give more troops and heroes. Good to know about the backpacks, thanks (tho bit late for me)!

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After the GoshDarnChurros are finished on 2-14-9 switch to 2-14-1 for the Kappas.


Thanks Zenya, I was just wondering if there would be a better place for killing Kappas. Take it there’s just a lot more there? :slight_smile:

EDIT: removed excess yapping from main post, so putting it here for future reference :wink:

@Zenya suggested moving on to 2.14.1 / @FraVit93 suggested 2.13.2 - once the 200 skellebosses are done I will give both a try.
…OK, I’ve completed the bosses and my bird folk are just over the 1000 mark. Foolishly I didn’t find out the average, but I’m assuming just over 5 birdfolk per level (as new levels unlocked I played those, and as I could be bothered I played through hard levels). I’ve played 10 of both levels suggested above (not the best sample size, but fine for the level I care about personally :wink:):
2.14.1 - 7, 7, 5, 9, 9, 7, 7, 4, 8, 6 = 6.9 avg
2.13.2 - 5, 8, 3, 7, 5, 6, 5, 8, 8, 11 = 6.6 avg
Making 2.14.1 marginally better. Personally it’s close enough that I might still alternate for different loot etc, but will see… :slight_smile:

Seems that the best spot would be s2.13.2

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I have 0 kills for undead pirates, sure I’ve killed undead captains, Marauders, and privateers, I’m on level 22 of season 2… where are the pirates?

It is very specific pirates. If you click on the picture when doing a level it tells you exactly what they are called.

If you look at the picture I linked to above, it tells you every level they appear on. For example 2.1.4. :slight_smile:

Hi folks, completed the creepy bird men and starting on the underwater stages. Not sure if anyone else has any sage advice, but for me I could do with more meteor fragments and metal ores, both of which are apparently abundant in S2 province 11, so I’m just scattering my hits around the underwater levels in province 11…

Trying to make my initial post more readable/helpful for people - @_John_Doe, is there a guide somewhere for markup to add Bold/italics/headers/lists etc?

Thanks. :slight_smile:


I think this will help you. Formatting Forum Posts (How to use Markdown/BB Code)
But my advice is: find a post where you like something and select+quote it; you will see the used code behind it. :slight_smile:


Awesome, thanks. Initial post improved :smiley:

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Added the two new missions in. Doesn’t look to be a new special stages one. Will try to add stats on number of drones when completing levels in the coming weeks.

This is before I did any repeat levels, just after completing Atlantis on normal (on checking, I’m pleased the number of levels I added ties into my Gadeirus kills!). :wink:

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Hi folks, I’ve now played each of the levels with drones and Gadeirus 5 times and recorded drone kills. 2.25.1 wins out well above the rest here. It’s not a perfect amount of data, but think it’s good enough for me. :slight_smile:

25.1: 8 7 7 11 8 - 8.2 avg**
25.3: 3 6 6 3 4 - 4.4 avg
25.5:. 7 7 6 8 6 - 6.8 avg*
25.7: 6 6 5 8 9 - 6.8 avg*
25.9: 5 5 4 6 3 - 4.6 avg

26.1: 3 6 6 5 8 - 5.6 avg
26.3: 7 6 7 6 4 - 6 avg
26.6: 9 6 1 6 6 - 5.6 avg
26.8: 7 7 7 5 7 - 6.6 avg*

27.2: 5 5 4 5 8 - 5.4 avg
27.3: 9 6 5 6 6 - 6.4 avg
27.7: 4 6 3 5 3 - 4.2 avg
27.8: 8 8 7 5 5 - 6.6 avg*

*Runners up (around 25% fewer kills)


That agrees with @BarryWuzHere

Spreadsheet ( linky, linky)

And latest graphic ( linky, linky)


I’m lacking data on actual drone counts or total monster counts … but I’d expect 2:27/3N to be similar to 2:25-1N given that those two stages have 5 waves and the others all have only 4.

But even with the same wave count, some stages just get more monsters than others.


Is their a pattern? Like recruits being N-1, N, N+1?

But 2.27-3N has double Bosses so you immediately lose 2 drones.


Thanks guys! :slight_smile:

I forgot you did this spreadsheet, @BarryWuzHere. Think this is the first time I’ve run into you on the forum - so used to just seeing you in the Line chat. :slight_smile:

Thanks - added to first post :slight_smile:

Click for Loot tickets

Did some Wanted Monster Mission Chests with Loot tickets in 2.25-1N

15-19 monster

14-18 mobs

This would be consistent with 1 boss +2 mobs and 3 or 4 mobs for 4 waves ( 1+ 2+
12 to 1+ 2+ 16 )

Chest 1




Chest 2




( double checked 19 )




Chest 3






Chest 4







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