Season 2 Missions Advice (Enemies, Bosses and Special Stages)

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Monsters per wave seems to vary a lot between levels. I’ve seen a few patterns, though. @Pois1 found some of them. (If I remembered which ones I’d do a better job of giving him credit :rofl: )

  • boss levels have 1-3 fixed bosses and 0-5(?) mob monsters.
  • mob levels have 3-5 monsters. I’ve seen waves that are always exactly 3 (S1 “Boss levels” where all monsters have special skills, perhaps others), waves that have 3-4, and waves that have 3-5; I’m not sure if 4-5 monster waves exist or not, but 1:7-5 is a good candidate, perhaps some quests as well.
  • I’ve seen nothing to contradict the idea that a mob mobster has a 50% chance of being either of the two for that stage, and generally run with that assumption.

All the farming data I have on monsters includes (at most) a total monster count for the level; no counts by wave, and no counts of the two possible monsters, so I’d have to collect new data to check any of this out.

4-5 Mobes

I my experience, 1.7-4 is always 4-5 mobs for waves 1-3 ( plus 2 bosses on wave 4 ).

3-5 Mobs

I knew about mob waves with 4-5 mobs, but I did not know of mob waves with 3-5 mobs.

Mobs per wave

Just like recruits having a pattern and ingredient/ ascension item number of rolls, it would seem that finding out the pattern would simplify analysis.

I got lucky with the 19 monsters for 2.25-1N, but If that stage always follows 1 Boss + 2 Mobs + 3-4 mobs x 4, then the range of 15-19 can be deduced from data without the need for large sample size.

If there is a 50% chance of 4 mobs for each wave, then the odds of me getting 19 were 1 in 16 but I could go hundreds of runs without getting the magic 19 monsters from the stage.


@FrostbiteXIII or anybody else who collects data on drone counts, I’d request you record total monster counts as well.

Gadeirus needs to be subtracted from that total but it will help confirm / reject the hypothesis that the two possible mob monsters are distributed 50/50.

Since total monster counts also vary in those stages, drone counts alone don’t properly answer that question.

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Picking on that level, here is what I know:

  • 1 boss + 2 mob (Unknown % Atlantean Drones)
  • 4x waves, presumed all equal
  • wave has 3-5 monsters, unknown % of each count, unknown % Atlantean Drones

If it Is 3/4 monsters per wave, with no 5 monster waves, your range would be correct.

If 3/4 monster waves are 50/50, average monsters per wave are 3.5, per run average being 17 monsters.

If 50% of the monsters are Atlantean Drones, average would be 8 per run, after subtracting the Gadeirus.

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Awesome, thanks.The post is useful .:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


S2:25-1 farming for Atlantean Drones and Gadeiruses:
Waves: 5 (3-4 monsters)
Monsters: 14-18 + Gadeirus
From my past experience it is not guaranteed that Corrupted Drones will appear. You can have an extremely rare run with only Atlantean Drones.
Happened to me in Special Event once where one of the monsters was not present at all.
Atlantean Drones are always guaranteed since they accompany Gadeirus EVERY time.
So you can get 2-18 Atlantean Drones in my opinion.
Maybe 2-17 if one appearance of the Corrupted Drone is default.
I will investigate this more in detail :slight_smile:

After 35 runs:
15-18 total monsters (16,34 per run)
8,83 Atlantean Drones per run
6,51 Corrupted Drones per run

Interesting fact:
1st wave has the highest chance of 4 monsters and it decreases wave after wave like this:
1st wave - 43%
2nd wave - 37%
3rd wave - 31,5%
4th wave - 23%

Out of 140 waves I got 15 all green waves and 15 all purple waves.
Excluding the 5th wave I got 239 green drones and 228 purple ones. 51,18% / 48,82%

Since I enjoy this a great deal I will continue to gather data.


Without formal statistical analysis, I’m going to revise my list for 2:25-1N based on @Pois1’s data:

  • 1 boss + 2 Atlantean Drones
  • 4x mob waves, apparently all the same.
  • wave has 3-4 monsters, ~50/50, and ~50% are Atlantean Drones

That brings the totals to 3.5 monsters per mob wave, 1.75 Atlantean drones, with a grand total of 17 monsters, 9 Atlantean Drones on an average run.

I’m very curious if 2:27-3N has the same monster pattern, because it has about double the recruits if I recall correctly, and it has the same monsters, the same boss, and the same number of waves. If so, it would be a better stage to farm for those missions. (I haven’t checked, but it should have marginally better food/iron/XP as well)

Late addition edit: doing the math for 17 monsters (14 in mob waves) the odds of getting all the same are .5^14, or one in 16k runs. So seeing exactly 2 or exactly 18 Atlantean Drones is VERY unlikely, but if lots of players are farming for that mission, it probably will happen a few times, since way more runs than that are going to take place. Odds taking into account the range of 12-16 mob monsters instead of the average of 14 will make for more complicated math but I doubt will change the result much…

Edit2: More data from Pois1 shows that waves appear to have consistently have 4 monsters somewhat less than 50% of the time , so my guestimated numbers here are a touch high.

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Thank you for creating this. What does the colors mean in the picture? Some levels are in white, red, green, yellow, or purple

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There are only green and purple monsters in 25-1.

Sorry @BarryWuzHere, I’m just using loot tokens to complete them and have stopped writing down the stats now anyway…

Hi, I take no credit for creating the picture, but I believe that the colours tie in with each other. For example if you wanted to kill Kirins and freaky bird people, you can see the yellow overlap.

Do believe they just reused some of the same colours tho. Not sure if there’s a reason or these were distinct enough that the cut off was reasonably obvious…

Subtracting the two guaranteed Atlantean Drones, the RNG mob monsters average 6.77 vs 6.58; I haven’t attempted statistical tests, but that sure sounds like a 50/50 chance to me.

Fascinating. That combined with the average being 16.35 instead of 17 makes this look more interesting than a fixed 50/50 chance.

I love seeing lots of detailed data about one level like when patterns start to appear.

If you or anybody else collects similar data on the other 5-wave level, 2:27-3N (Which appears to have a lower drone count but far better recruits) … or even a 4-wave level, although that would clearly be worse farming for finishing the missions, I’d love to see if those statistics match!


You are right of course.
I will add the Atlantean Drone vs. Corrupted Drone without the fifth wave ratio.
It would be 50:50.


I think I was confused. Did you mean 3-5 as 3,4,5 mobs or 3,5 mobs?

Maybe we are saying the same thing using different words.

Mobs per wave

Elite Mobs are always 3 per wave in Season 1
2.6-9N is always 3 or 5 mobs per wave.
1.7-4 is always 4 or 5 mobs per wave.
Many stages have 3 or 4 mobs per wave.

I have not found a stage with 3, 4, or 5 mobs per wave. However, if all possibilities are equal, then 3,5 mob waves and 3,4,5 mob waves would still average to 4 mobs per wave.


With only 35 runs, I am not sure if this is significant. Paging @Garanwyn

With only 35 runs, it’s more suggestive than significant. The 95% confidence bound is +/- 15.6%. It’s pretty clear the last wave and the first wave are drawn from different distributions. But the non-boss waves could all be draws from an identical binomial distribution with relatively little difficulty.


As near as I can figure it’s this:

White: No link to any other mission, so these critters only in these stages for missions
Green: Links to the mission directly above or below, so links to the boss/minion critters of the same tier.
Purple/Red/Yellow: Links to a mission of a different tier, so you can farm Moths with Undead in purple stages, Stegosauruses with Macaws in red stages, etc.

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Very helpful. Thank you.

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Saw this post:

…and added initial info for the special enemy stage. :slight_smile: