Rumpel vs. Quintus - A fight vor Sorcerer Emblems

Hey there again!
Regarding the sorcerer class, which is already considered to be one of the weakest classes when looking at the heroes, I only have poor options available…

The 4*s: Sabina vs. Ameonna
Both maxed, not a big fan of both… Sabina is kinda redundant to me because I have so many great purple healers including Kunchen and Aeron so I almost never really use her.
I just finished Ameonna recently but she has absolutely no synergy with my purple teams other then her hugh tile damage… I do like the idea behind her special though but she doesn’t bring anything important to the table…

The 5s: Rumpel vs. Quintus
Both heroes are still untouched… Both are not considered to be great in any aspect of the game.
Sure rumpels first effect ca be much more devastating but his unpredictable heal is kind of weak for a 5
and the last effect is very situational… At least with Quintus you know what you get!

By now I am sitting on almost 400 sorcerer emblems so I would really like to give them to someone…

Can you make a case for any of the mentioned heroes? What’s your experience? Did you emblem any of those heroes?

Thanks! :smiley:

I hate playing against rumpelstiltskin, he always seems to pull the skull card against me. But neither he nor Quintus are really worth materials in my view

If you really want to use your emblems, I reckon Sabina is best. But if you don’t use her, just wait for something better


Rumpel is so cool.
I love Danza and Rumpel for their gambling…


Sounds like you shouldn’t put them on any of those. Rumple’s the best of the bunch.

Maybe try for Mitsuko this Atlantis? She’s a solid sorcerer.


Rumple is worth for mats and emblems. I really dodging this guy. Few days ago I attack “ez trophies” with Khiona-Rumple on right side.

After few moves I got 5 vs 3 situation (Khiona, Rumple and Zim(or Zeline, I’m not sure) on left wing. I lose, Rumple is crazy, he hitting hard, he hela nice, he debuff strong. This is good choice for your sorcerer.

I recomend the same to one of my teammate (he got Rumple and he wasn’t sure) now Rumple is in his def team and he like him.

@Olmor I love Rumple and Danza too (but I still can’t pull Danza :disappointed_relieved:, and I don’t have Rumple but chances are to bad for F2P)

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I have my Quintus at +7 now.

He simply destroy everything.

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Ahhh you’re not making it easier! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

But good points though. I understand that rumpel can be quite annoying on defense and I have the Mats for him as well as for Quintus but my Def team is performing pretty well, so I’m more looking for an useful offensive hero right now.

I guess it doesn’t hurt to bring both to 3/70 first and start testing. Maybe I like one of those two?!
Quintus could get a “skin” in the future as it has been teased before making him much more useful but who knows…

Anyway thanks for the advice! :smile:


Which way did you go with Quintus? Where do you use him most?

I am debating maxing his before Sartana just to give him emblems. Just a little info I have Kunchen Seshat Khiona and Victor all maxed. The first 3 have emblems.

I have Natalya +8 but don’t use her much. I don’t really know how or where to be honest. Quintus is a truck (granted a slow one) but he could cause some issues.


Your typical use (considering the awesome heroes you already have) is in a mono purple stack for events. That’s honestly the only role i can think, aside wars together with Kunchen (they charge at the same time or almost depending on troops, and that defence down with a hero like Quintus pair pretty well)
You probably don’t use him for your everyday raid nor defence. But if i have to be honest, probably not even Sartana right now.

I would probably go for him just for diversity (you already have two fast single target) but i don’t think spending 4 different types of emblems on a single color is a good idea right now. If you want to give to him, maybe you should reset someone else.

If you decide for him, go for attack stat without mercy.
You need him for his punch, not for surviving :face_with_monocle:

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Yeah my emblems are pretty heavy on purple and yellow.

I’d consider resetting Khiona but I don’t have anything to reset for.

Ranger I have Lianna, Athena +5, Seshat +5 right now.

Nat, Athena, and Kadlien +1 are my only other 5 star not yellow or purple with emblems.

4* I have Grimm, Caed, BT, Sonya all maxed out. (BT at 19 because the last attack buff is a bit useless)