Sorcerer emblem shortage - where to allocate

Emblems in general stand in the way of a great deal of my progress at this stage of the game. I don’t have enough of any so allocating them wisely is always high importance.

My present evaluation deals with 911 sorcerer emblems I can’t decide what to do with. I have a large stash of reset tokens so I can shuffle some existing emblems around. Here’s the current situation.

Fully ascended:
C. LoTL LB+20
Krampus LB+20

C. Vanda+10 (fallen out of favor with her except to pair with Killhare in wars)
Uraeus+8 (mostly limited to war in tandem with Elizabeth)
Almur+14 (I use Fogg for upper level fighting)
Lepiota (at present typically only to mess with taunters and such, but might use her more if she had the stat buffs from emblems)
Anastasia (just finished so not sure how often I’ll use her. Could go so far as to LB her)
Kalo (Pre-nerf he’d be the obvious choice, but is he anything more now than a rush tournament participant?)

Not yet trained:
Wang Yuanji, Marcel, C. LotL dupe

I’d really love to hear some opinions. I plan to do a monk post at some point soon as well.

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Nice list. Of those I would probably start by giving some to leopita just to make her a little more sturdy. Would you use Marcel on Titans? If so, I’d give them to him. Keep them with Vanda and Uraeus, if only used for attack that should be enough. Anastasia is a very good 4 as well, I pair her with Arco for extra healing and Freya to make a hefty minion attack of the enemy. If you don’t use Almer much in Tournaments and events, he doesn’t need those emblems.

I do use Almur in some 4* tournaments and on rare occasion events.

I have Buddy+19 I usually use with titans.

Replace Buddy with Marcel for sure. Buddy’s minions are weak and they slow down attacks for titan hits. Plus Marcel’s defense down is more robust.

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I fully feel your pain here. My 2 cents worth…

  • Consider stripping Almur as you have Fogg
  • Consider stripping Uraeus as it sounds like you rarely use him
  • Consider stripping Vanda for the same reason as above
  • See who you prefer from Lepiota and Anastasia then show the winner some emblem love
  • Kalo… Meh. I wouldn’t bother unless you’ll use him outside of rush
  • I don’t have much experience with Marcel so no opinion here
  • Wang Yuanji (Edit) is awesome! I love her. Worth the emblems with all the fiend summoners out there

That’s what I would do at any rate. Hope whatever you decide works out for you :+1:

Game Well :sunglasses:


I think I will eventually strip Vanda. I just pulled Emilio and would likely use him instead, but still debating on whether to train him first or Tahir first. My current 5* reds are Elizabeth, C. BK, Zagrog, and Lewana on her last ascension.


Anastasia is underrated, I think she’s incredible.

I think @Ugk26 is a fan of hers too

Agreed, Anastasia is helpful in a lot of places.

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Anastasia might end up winning by default. My 4* yellow roster is atrocious. Mist and Griffin are the only 2 with emblems.


That’s not a bad hero to beef up at all. Enjoy!

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She’s also very effective on defence for raid tournaments, I wouldn’t do her by default, she’s far better than that.

I’m going to say that the 4* sorcerer options are very much worth it! Almur +20 emblemed on the def path is very viable in 5* meta situations, and, contrary to Phileas fogg, applies green def down to 3!! Vs foggs 1. On the same note, Marcel +20 full atk path is, thanks to the 4% sorcerer mana node, easily a 9 tile heavy hit 3 def down. Almur and Marcel provide a green hit 3 combination at <= 9 tiles with the appropriate mana troops. I emblemed my Anastasia +20 on the atk/hp path as my 4* minion spammer and she provides both excellent early survival, as mg stacks and atk down, on top of significant tile dmg.


Screenshots to provide stats insight.

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I have Marcel on my alt account and use him frequently. I just now pulled him on my main but I’m not yet sure where he will fall on my priority list. Currently working on El Naddaha, who I will probably LB. I had planned on doing Ptolemy next to provide an alternative to Melendor, but now I’m up in the air.

Pulled an xnol. Dilemma solved

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