Yay she’s still here!
Question remains: is anyone helming/replying to this thread in her absence?
Yay she’s still here!
Question remains: is anyone helming/replying to this thread in her absence?
I don’t agree. It’s been over 10 titans since I’ve gotten any kind of ascension item period. They are mostly 7’s and didn’t matter if I get the final hit or finished #1 or any other place. Plus I’ve needed just 12 hidden daggers for almost 2 months and all I have is one still. It’s a formula. If u need an item u don’t get it and other people that don’t need them get tons, yet I don’t even get ones I don’t need anymore. I don’t need compasses now but have like 10. A person in alliance needs compasses but is in the same situation as me. She has lots of hidden daggers but one compass. This games and others like it are formulated this way in their algorithms. Also once u spend some u find ascension drops are less frequent bc the game thinks u will keep spending to get items. When u don’t buy they drop u one here and there to keep u interested to hope u spend later. Looks like another game developed on how to make money instead of fun and fairness. Reward all the same same on drops weather u spend or not is how it should be…
10 titans is 10 days worth which is nothing. Try 2.5 months not getting any ascension item that is not farmable. I got 3 elemental chests in the past 2.5 months and first one had two chainmails, second had two boots and third one had two chainmails again. They also came with three daily summon tokens. Just got to keep trying and hope the luck turns around, I know I am due soon.
You got ascension items, just not the ones you wanted. Titans give you a few ascension rolls with the amount varying on tier level. The rolls can result in any star level of ascension item.
I started getting more drops after I stopped spending money on the game. It’s not a formula, it’s confirmation bias and murphy’s law. You’re hearing the complaint of 10 people and then applying it to 170,000 players.
If you’ve been playing for two months, you should have gotten at least some ascension items from the 60 mystic visions, hero chests, monster chests, and the 12 titan chests you have had, not to mention the rare quests dropping ascension items.
People have good and bad runs of items, it’s life. Given the vast enormity of items that can drop, and the slim chance of getting the single item that you think you need, your tiny sample size is not indicative of any kind of pattern.
The others were long ago. Just the last 10 after thinking its been a while started making me watch more closely.
And yes I have from other chests but not from the 5 kills chests. Also, that’s part of my point is when I do get some they aren’t the ones I need. My alliance members get those and I get the ones they need lol. Other games are the same. They know what u need.
I dunno…I have 10 sturdy shields and 6 warm capes. Don’t have anything to currently use them on but the moment I draw another blue or green hero, voila! I’ll be ahead of the game.
Thank You!
Your article just answered about a million questions.
Aren’t the loots random? (Each Tier gives you so many chances to roll for loot?) How did the rest of your alliance do?
No Rook… if you look at Mai’s first post summary, tier 8 should be a guaranteed 3 ascension rolls. I’ve had 3 ascension rolls for as long as i can remember… (except in case of escape). There is something dodgy going on…
I shy away from the word Guaranteed. Unless I see it in triplicate.
Ok, not sure if it is listed anywhere or not, but is there a actual list of what is possible to be had for each Titan and each reward level? Perhaps the items available with a percentage of the likelihood of the item being dropped? Thanks.
I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone compiling this data.
I do have something else to post though. You can still get ‘D’ for your performance score.
And I just noticed the loot tier. you don’t even get to match the loot tier to the number of stars. Loot tier is 2 lower in this pic
That’s as of 1.7 Copper? That’s another change, as before you would’ve been C on a win. Do you have the exact placement of where you wound up?
No, as @Mai correctly pointed out it’d take thousands of drops per loot tier to compile that with any sort of accuracy.
Not certain it’s worthwhile in the sense higher titans are clearly better anyway so trying to optimize for a sweet spot based on loot table doesn’t make sense… still better off optimizing kills per unit time.
Perhaps this % data could come from the devs directly.
Worth mentioning here that we had a 7* escape… #10 on our list got tier IV or V… (b) … i was #11 and got a C tier I. So maybe top 10/30 get a/b and everything below goes c?
Since 1.6 data in OP-post is incorrect. Titan lot became much poorer (number of rolls, chances).