I do this topic to keep track of the epic troop coin (and spare world energy if you do it just for that)
Whoever has already done it can post here if there is or not. I assume that the loot is the same for all the players.
Moderator’s Note from@zephyr1
Whether the Epic Troop Token appears or not is universal for all players.
If one person gets it, then it’s available for all players. If one person doesn’t get it, then it’s not available in the Quest that time for any players.
When the Find Recruits II Quest is up, check this thread to see if anyone has confirmed whether there is an Epic Troop Token or not. If no one has checked yet, you can check and post your results so everyone else will know.
@ThePirateKing has created a spreadsheet of all of the tracked occurrences of Find Recruits 2, confirming the 50% appearance rate for ETT (Epic Troop Tokens) appears to be correct.
Thanks to @yelnats_24 for collating the data that this spreadsheet is built on.