Really tired of Chao. What should I do?

Okay, so Chao was my first 4* dude, so yeah, I worked with what I had. He’s on his way to his third ascension and at level 40.

I’m over him.

I have acquired Gretel (and Hansel, but I’m focusing on taking Chao out of the squad, here) and Hu Tao, I think? The panda that looks like the other panda, but he has four stars. Those are my only other four star guys

Would it be stupid of me to ditch him in favor of Gretel?

The worst part is, I’ve acquired a second Chao. I just want to feed that one to Gretel and feel smug about it. I have the materials to level Gretel (or the panda dude) to the same level my original Chao is right now.

I’m tired of his face. His bird is pretty cool, but he gets mauled so fast, and in Season Two, his special isn’t really all that special.
Any advice? I’m also working on leveling a team of 3* that takes the backseat because I’m pretty dumb. But I’ll be out of materials for my fours before they reach their peaks, anyway.

Work on Gretel and put Chao on hold.

Hu Tao also on hold unless you have the mats to up both.


Lol, feed that second Chao to Gretel and feel smug about it ofc :+1:

Gretel is way better than the 4* panda and Chao, level her up first.


Gretel is better than Chao.Chao is good in some things, and I’d think he will help you against purple titans & war for a long time, given your situation now.

I’d wait on feeding that spare Chao to Gretel, though. I generally want to hold off feeding high star heroes or trainers to heroes on their first couple ascensions.

Also, is your main Chao’s special at 8/8? If not, feeding the unleveled Chao to the first Chao is very likely to improve the special.

Chao’s not great, but he has his uses.


Well, that settles it, then. I just needed one person to tell me it’s ok! Thank you!

I will absolutely feel smug about it. I’m doing it right now. Thank you!


He’s at 7/8. Ugh. Fine. I’ll keep the spare. But if I get another, Gretel gets to chomp him. Thank you for your reply!

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If he’s at 7/8 now, and he’s got an ascension left, feel free to send the new one to Gretel. Just wait until you get her past that first ascension or two, so you at least get some expensive levels out of him.

Feel smug about knowing he’s going to be food, and that he doesn’t know it. :slight_smile:


Thank you! I’m going to. Bye bye, Chao! I’ll see him in wars or whatnot.

Ciao, Chao… :wink:


In my honest opinion I would focus on levelling Gretel and put Chao on hold for now

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Chao is an odd 4*, I have never really been a fan of him due to his below average attack. His skill is offense oriented. But max stats before emblems, he is more of a meat shield.

That said he is in the best class tree to fix his shortcomings with dealing damage. Here is what he looks like with 11 nodes, focused on the attack path;

685 attack, can easily get over 700 (EDIT: when maxed, he’ll have 730 attack which is actually really decent!). I’ve been more impressed with him now. The mana cut is still meh, but the damage actually puts a dent on the enemy rather than just a scratch. Still helps keep bosses and dangerous enemies in raids under control, but now actually packs a better punch. He also picks up decent defense boosts along the way.

It’s funny, he is the only 4* so far for me that has gone from mediocre to actually very decent with emblems.

I have Gretel too, and I do agree to level her before Chao. But I use both when stacking yellow myself on offense. Just requires coordinating their skills well.


My yellows are so poor that I’m happy to max another Chao to replace a Hu Tao. And this is with me being level 58 and playing over 18 months :persevere:


Thanks, Dave. I’m keeping him, for sure. His Mana cut has saved me many times. I’m still using him until Gretel surpasses him. I don’t have a vast arsenal of holy heroes, so I need every one of them! Too bad I was dumb in the beginning and…fed Wu to Chao…:persevere:

How do I reply to the person in the proper order? Is that impossible? I just wanted to give my condolences to princesd. My holy hero list is almost as bad, but I’ve been playing for two months. It’s tough if you don’t want to spend. I bought VIP and have spent money, which this forum is teaching me to avoid, thankfully. I’ll keep VIP, though.

I got an ad/offer that no one else in my alliance had available to them, and that was the last time I spent. I’m annoyed that it’s possible they used targeted offers. Still happy to give the devs a bit there and there because they deserve and I love the game.

Anyway, now that I’ve decided to ditch Chao, the urge to keep him on my main 4* team is much stronger. Lol. But Gretel is the better choice. I hope you get better holy heroes ASAP.

Non farmable items

I try to use my roster to get non farmable ascension items.

I took my Hu Tao to 4* 3.60 for Fighter class quests. Decimation has purple mobs and 2x purple bosses. I still use him for farming 1.7-4 when filling Wanted monster mission chest ( regular and purple) because high damage, attack all enemies and yellow.

Chao I took to 4* 3.60 for Ranger class quests. Druids+ Ranger has lots of healing but less attack special skills. Mostly used Chao so I was not restricted to an all green team. Chao’s single target mana reduction could use a buff, especially compared to Gretel and Hansel.

2x 4* 3.60 heroes cost the same Hero XP as taking 1x hero to 4* 4.70 and zero non farmable ascension items.

Gryphonkit, my wife, likes Barbarian Gretel because Proteus, and Merlin, both do half tile/ matching damage versus Purple bosses and no damage versus reflect purple bosses. Gretel does double tile/ matching damage versus purple bosses.

But I tend to run 2x Grimm for barbarian class quests because both have triple red bosses ( blue does double tile/ matching damage). So not sure how efficient Gretel 4* 3.60 / 4* 4.70 would be in getting emblems.

I would still level Gretel ( I do not have :slightly_frowning_face: ) to 4* 4.70. I can never have too many mana control heroes. But my priority is non farmable items ( emblems, non farmable ascension items, etc. ).

Wu Kong

I would temporarily stop leveling all of the above if I needed to level Wu Kong to 4* 4.70 ( cascade squad, grinder gang, OP 4* hero).

Like titan kills but with currency

This is so F2P and C2P do not get badgered with even more annoying pop ups. It is solely based on your spending history.

When I was foolishly chasing 5* healers, the spike in pop ups was bothersome. Now that I am ROI2P, the pop ups have significantly dropped off.


Click for notes

Wow. That must have taken a long time for you to write out for me. I really, really appreciate that. I have saved all of the information you gave me and have taken screenshots of the person who kindly posted super-Chao!

You guys are awesome. I’ve been reading a lot of the forums but still have so many questions, and I feel like I’m annoying the **** out of my alliance. I’m level 24 and still have a lot to learn. I’m


Personally, I would feed at least 1 to Gretel. I would, also, feel smug about! :smiley:

I have two maxed Chao (that’s because I have 32 unused magic orbs) and I would gladly exchange one of them for a 1/1 Gretel any day. Even with top emblems, Chao is sooooo mediocre… he doesn’t realy excel in any aspect. About Hu Tao, he hits like he missed the punching lessons. Except for his blinding skill Hu Tao is crap… But the slow mana speed renders blindness kind of useless, except for the fast mana tournaments. My advice, work on Gretel asap.

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Since mine got some emblems, I’ve enjoyed him more.
Sometimes I go with him and Leo to keep the pressure up on a tanks mana