Queen Anne relevancy

I hope I’m not taking up space by asking a somewhat inane question. I have Queen Anne and the materials to Ascend her to 4-80. However, in watching videos from some fairly well respected content creators, several of them have made denigrating remarks, implying she’s a weak link in the battle they’re showing. Looking at her on paper, I think she looks amazing. Are there major weakpoints that would preclude maxing her that I’m overlooking? She’s got taunt, boosted D, self-heals, and my favorite, mana control. I’m just asking the community this question b/c I don’t see a major weakness except her speed being Slow. Thank you so much for any answers I receive.

its her speed, at the very top of the meta food chain they will very rarely use slow heroes some even question if average speed are viable, but they are backing off that now somewhat with all the new powerful average speed heroes, but slow is like asking some people to play blind folded


I have her at 80, full emblems and lb1, I’m not a whale so i have to use the best i get. Slow speed makes it a bit difficult in raids but sometimes she really comes through (lucky boards) if she can draw fire for a couple rounds she can help win a fight.


I have Queen Anne myself and also had her 2LB. I do love the taunt aether power, the defense % and mana regen to all. But the thing is… I haven’t been using her much also. I don’t know who to pair her up with to make the best out of the team.

Been thinking of stripping the alpha aether off her and put on Frog Prince instead but I am still procrastinating. Sorry it seems like I am not answering to your post.

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Your answer was great. Thank you for responding!

Thank you for responding. Slow speed always gives me pause, but I’ve used a similar hero, Ludwig, for a long time, and he’s also pretty amazing. I’m just wondering if there’s a weakness, besides Speed, that I’m overlooking. I think being Slow is just right, given the payoff of her Special. Do you see anything else from using her that would cause these CCs to downgrade her. I really respect the knowledge that they’ve shared in the past. One of them was Dansing007, who I know is very active in this community. Thank you!!

I equate her to Ludwig, especially her speed, and I think the slow speed is appropriate given the payoff of her Special. Thank you so much for your answer!

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and yeah Ludwig is a good comparison and i am not saying she isnt usable, if i had her maxed i would find a use for her, just that some people have very strong anti slow speed bias and wont use them unless they completely win the match on pretty much one special cast. even if you look at the leader board of top cup holders, rarely are either Queen anne or Ludwig in any of their teams or any slow hero for that matter

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Yeah, I’ve seen that speed bias, a lot more lately it seems. However, with the power creep, it seems perfectly logical. I guess at the level I’m at (Lvl 90, 6200+ Defense) and my Alliance is at, Slow speed isn’t as big a hindrance as it is where the big boys and girls play. The last thing I’ll say is that she simply seems fun to play with. Thank you for the good discussion!

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where i play slow isnt that unheard of either, i was just suggesting that might be the feelings of the content creators you were watching since many of them seem to be in the higher echelon tier, i think some of the slow heroes are very fun and some at my level can be devastating Khufu, Afrike, Winifred if fired at the right moment, Queen anne seems to be in the same level and all them are great in rush wars and tournaments

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I was so happy when I got her at the time, I instantly LB1’ed and emblemed her. Alas, she didn’t live up to my expectations although she looked fantastic on paper. In raids she is just too slow in today’s meta and was dead 8/10 times before she manged to fire. I ended up stripping her of her emblems because I needed them for another more relevant cleric at the time (Gestalt). Where she really does have the chance to shine is in rush wars, I found her to be extremely useful (whilst she was still emblemed!!) there. As always it depends on your roster and the size of your wallet lol.

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I can see 3 reasons why people can see her as weak.

  1. Slow speed. Most content creators play a high level game and there slow means unusable outside rush.
  2. Comparison to Ludwig, she simply isn´t as good as the only hero that she can easily be compared with. Being second best is of course still good enough for most of us.
  3. The recent addition of many anti-taunt heroes, in the form of many strong dispellers, anti taunt (specific, like Deadboot, Persa) and heroes that multi-hit taunt (like Gestalt)

Does it mean she´s bad? Well yes at top level, no everywhere else. We just have to find a way of working around her weaknesses and of course an LB2 helps gigantically with the alpha taunt.

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Which position placement would you all think she’s best at?

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I agree with some of the assessments above. She’s Slow. By the time she goes off, either I’m well on my way to winning or I’m well on my way to losing.

I still like her and feature her prominently in Rush wars, but she’s not the star I wish she was. I like having her in some lineups for the Musketeer synergy sometimes.

I have her at 4.90+20. As max as you can get. I maxed her as everyone said she’s amazing and you’d want 3 of her if you can get.

But frankly speaking, she stays unused in most wars. I never use her in raids. She does a lot of things but combination of all those things are just not good enough. I even have 4x other musketeers. The even in a 5x musketeers team, a Ludwig is probably better.

I’d rather take another Ludwig than her. My Ludwig (4.90+20) sees 1000x more use than her.

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she needs +85% defense or heal everyone for 20% or base defense stat +100.

Right now she’s barely usable in rush. Useless everywhere else.

Well said. I never really considered that the CCs generally are playing in a different level entirely than my Alliance. BTW, I have Khufu 2LB. I like using him just for the sound effect of his Special!! Spooky!

That’s super interesting and I think goes a long way to answering my initial question. I have other options at Nature to level, and the consensus seems to be that there are definitely better choices. Thank you!

I’m no expert, since obviously I posed the original question, but just based on my own anecdotal evidence of my games, I now tend to put my taunt heroes on the right flank. I think I picked that up from Mr. Spock, though I can’t be certain. I never put my taunt heroes in the tank position, especially if they have other very beneficial skills, such as Ludwig’s mana boost. He survives to fire it off a little more at flank.

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Does her mana boost persist even if she dies, like Ludwig’s does?