Queen Anne relevancy

Slow heroes tend to get a lot of stick unless they are truly devastating once they fire. I like my slow heroes but concede that fighting some teams requires boost in mana speed. I tend to pair slow heroes with other heroes who can speed them up a bit. Ariel is good for this, as is Sif and a few others. I would say, on paper, Queen Anne looks decent and would get playtime if she was part of my roster. I think she’s on of only 2 5* taunt heroes I do not have at the moment. But, if I want a Taunt hero then Ludwig is my go to guy right now. She wouldn’t dislodge him.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

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20 characters blah

It’s funny because she seems excellent, but compared to Ludwig, cBK, Phorcys… Even Krampus, she doesn’t seem that solid. I got her, and she adegws up occasionally and I love taunt heroes, but I can’t seem to prioritise her ahead of my other green options.

I don’t think your’e able to recoup the alpha aethers once you use them, are you?

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Unless we are given the reset token, we are not able to. But I’ve started using Queen Anne again now. As my yellow healer has the paladin troop, the def % just boost them additional 8%. Are you considering her in the SE tomorrow?

I dont fear her in war/raids or Vf tournaments. If that helps.

Any choice you make, good luck.

Good to have found some talk aboit QA and her viability. I havent seen her in pvp for about a year so I didn’t know.

My current main team is Xiaoyu, Garten, Odile, Frog Prince (I love my Frog Prince and use him all the time), and Blossom. Before I got Odile to 4.89/25, I was using G. Hippo. If I got QA, I would try her put with G. Hippo to see if that team survives in defense better.

Regarding slow speed heroes, I think a slow speed damage dealer is probably better than a slow healer or buffer. I have won a bunch of battle with Frog Prince as my last hero standing while his poison that took 10 turns to cast is slowly eating away their last three heroes. It isn’t pretty but the damage gets the job done. Idk if the results are similar on defense because the game does not have any watch replay functionality. But, all this is to say that I do not think QA can is a last woman standing hero killing off the last of the enemy team. I am not sure if her blocking the enemy’s damage for 2-3 turns will be sufficient to get the rest of my teams ults to crack off and devistate. The comments here suggest that is not the case.

Ludwig is better than QA because his skill gives mana instead of just speeding up mana when a hero is hit. Ludwig still dies when I fight against him, but the two people next to him are ulting every turn or two for 3-4 rounds, which is tough to deal with. I was not sure if QA’s buffs would provide a similar benefit.

My pvp rating floats between 2800-3000. My team strength is 6300+.

I do wonder if she will get a coatume sometime soon that will buff her stats into something more meta, though. As it is, despite me still not habing any taunter heroes, with QA currently in SE (June 2024), I may instead pick C. G. Panther, Himeros (prio dispel at VF), or Barkley (just learned how he blows up my team sometimes, but I have a lot of red to work through).