Paladin emblems - Justice or Guardian Falcon?

I have 264 Paladin emblems. I’ve been saving them as I leveled up Justice. It was an easy choice for me until today when I got Guardian Falcon. So who would you chose to give paladin emblems to? I am F2P if that matters.

4 and 5 Star Heroes:
Red - Boldtusk +14, Wilbur +11, Scarlet +10, Gormek +3, Sumitomo 4-54, Sumitomo 3-60, Sumitomo 3-60, Colen 3-60, Boldtusk 1-15, Guardian Falcon 1-1, Colen 1-1, Colen 1-1, Gormek 1-1

Green - Melendor +10, Kashhrek +10, Caedmon 4-70, Gobbler 3-60

Blue - Triton +9, Grimm +9, Boril +5, Sonya 4-59, Sonya 3-60

Yellow - Justice 4-58, Vivica 1-1, Wu Kong 4-70, Hu Tao 4-70, Wu Kong 3-60

Purple - Obakan 4-69, Sabina +11, Rigard +7, Sabina 3-60, Tiburtus 3-60, Rigard 1-1, Tiburtus 1-1, Tiburtus 1-1

Falcon, I have him only +11 but he’ll get more. Still have 256 emblems to use which would be spent already if I was classing a 5*. Only red element defense down, tremendous vs titans and on your red stack.


I think it’s Falcon, although I also just got him. You may want to give each of them one just to generate the ability chance, though.

Justice was a high priority for me, but between getting Guardians Jackal & Falcon, things are sweet right now.

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Justice is my best tank so gets all my emblems. Currently at +7 and punching her weight at 2500 cups.

Have a look at @NittanyLionRoar 's latest forum video on underrated heroes. It gave me a lovely fuzzy feeling about my serious looking Ancient.


These comments seem to resemble my actual struggle in this situation. 2 for falcon cause he rocks and one for justice with strong reasons why and supporting evidence. Lol

At this rate I’ll agonize over the decision long enough maybe I’ll get enough emblems for both.


FWIW, I brought Arthur up to +7 and now Falcon is getting all new Paladin emblems. His debuff-to-fire skill is unique and very valuable; bringing him up to a 5*-equivalent will strengthen my options.

Justice is a solid defensive tank, and probably the best one you’ve got. Still, though, I think one’s overall fun and success in this game come more from strong offense than strong defense.


I would say, if you are tanking with Justice and you anticipate that you will continue to for a while, give the emblems to her. If not, you can get more bang out of them with Falcon. I’m going to end up giving all my paladin emblems to Thorne at some point unless I draw a better tank. I know that maxing Thorne, much less giving him emblems, is basically blasphemy around here, but as F2P, you work with what you’ve got, and what I’ve got is Thorne as my only legendary blue, 9 scopes, and a need to replace Boril at tank as part of my strategy to get into diamond. Even if he’s just a meat shield, I want him to be the meatiest meat shield he can be! :laughing: Justice is more than a meat shield if she goes off, and going def/HP with emblems, plus the chance to proc a big defense boost, makes it more likely that she will go off.

Feeling the same way about “honorable mention” Domitia, who is my current purple project and in line for my tabards.


Since Justice is my main tank, I do give her most of the paladin emblems… But I did share some with Falcon too, his elemental debuff is very useful and unique. :slight_smile: I am F2P too, if that matters.


Justice is a formidable tank and the best you have available. I would recommend giving her +6 and the rest to Falcon.

Falcon wears the emblems well and is great for titans, with a little extra def and hp he’s very reliable.

Justice can benefit from any route you choose on the talent grid in my opinion.

Good luck


My take on it is simply this: putting emblems on a 4* gets you farther down the talent grid faster than putting them on a 5*.

The number of emblems it takes to get Justice to +7 would get Falcon to +18.

Also, I think it’s worth saying: You would be doing DEF+HP for Falcon, and not focusing on Attack, right? Make Falcon live longer to keep applying that -reddefdown. I think strengthening a hero’s strong point is the best way to go - and for Falcon, it’s defense & HP; raising that very low attack stat isn’t going to make a world of difference, you bring, uh… it?.. along to break the enemy’s defense.

Good gaming!


I definitely agree on the strengthening a heroes strengths. So that will take priority for sure.

So I used a very un-leveled Falcon on a green titan today and was very pleased. Nothing crazy but even with a bad board I still did pretty well. Averaged around 30k per hit. So the emblemed falcon is very tempting.

Love falcon rules my first 4* only issue is once you hit his special you then need red tiles for it to take full affect, I do try to use it wisely but sometimes don’t get that option!
It’s good if you got other red heros on y’all team ready to fire say like Colen! Ouch that can do damage! So depends on what you want more! From y’all heros

Sonya , +18 emblemed = Arthur stats (more def less health)

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If Justice is your war tank, go w her. Otherwise; the bird is the word.


Right now Justice is my tank. But I’ve used Wilbur as a tank and Boldtusk. Current defense team…
Obakan. Wilbur. Justice. Boldtusk. Triton.

I’m sure I may have better options but those are my strongest heroes. If anyone has suggestions based on my roster I’m open to try new things.

4 and 5 Star Heroes :
Red - Boldtusk +14, Wilbur +11, Scarlet +10, Gormek +3, Sumitomo 4-54, Sumitomo 3-60, Sumitomo 3-60, Colen 3-60, Boldtusk 1-15, Guardian Falcon 1-1, Colen 1-1, Colen 1-1, Gormek 1-1

Green - Melendor +10, Kashhrek +10, Caedmon 4-70, Gobbler 3-60

Blue - Triton +9, Grimm +9, Boril +5, Sonya 4-59, Sonya 3-60

Yellow - Justice 4-58, Vivica 1-1, Wu Kong 4-70, Hu Tao 4-70, Wu Kong 3-60

Purple - Obakan 4-69, Sabina +11, Rigard +7, Sabina 3-60, Tiburtus 3-60, Rigard 1-1, Tiburtus 1-1, Tiburtus 1-1

Falcon falcon and more Falcon


@all of you who used emblems on falcon: Which path did you chose? Are you going for Atk/HP or just increase his bulk?


I went health and attack with some defence as well - you can see my Falcon in above post - needed him to have some more attack as now the 2nd he hits is quite a damage and went health to be more balanced and close to 5* as he has already high defence