Please note Rare Quests appear every 10 days or so. Possible dates are listed on the calendar and are subject to change.
Any revisions will be noted and a revision date will be indicated on the calendar to ensure you have the most updated information.
Your comments and feedback are always appreciated.
Thank you.
*10/29/2019 Revised calendar to include start date for upcoming Costume Event.
*11/06/ 2019 Adjustments to Rare Quest dates made.
Here is an alternative format calendar for those to enjoy. Only content difference I see (other than format and language) is this one took a stab at dates for rare quests.
Unlike the Trials, challenge events, AR, etc… The rare quest doesn’t follow a proper schedule. They can spawn anywhere between 7-11 days from when the last one appeared. So the dates provided by Novo for the rare quests in the calendar are just ballpark estimates. In reality they can appear within +/- 3 days time.