So you get a 1 turn delay and only a chance of missing at 35% and baby scratches from a hotm. Lol. Have you hit an Aegir with a sniper when his special is on? Thats how she deals damage
Been playing for a year now never got 5* before and now for some and easy reason somehow got 3 neith lol
She’s a cool flank dealing some midbattle problems to the attacker.
Flesh wound.
Even if a flash wound sounds nice.
when I encountered her, I never saw her as big threat. no hero to take out quickly, not scared if she fires… I allow her to relax and see if it makes sense to send her to hero academy one day…
Ooo yeah for thear she it’s ok
I use Li Xiu+20 with Onatel for main offense.
This is an excellent combo, where you seal both ends mana wise.
And I got both Li Xiu costume and Neith. They are still in progress. I’m anxious to try 3 together ^^
One other great detail; their speed match, so it’s more likely to fill all up and fire simultaneously
A Small Quibble:
Proteus is an Atlantis hero and not a Season 1 basic hero and is widely viewed (or at least viewed by me) as the best 4* in the game.
No Quibble:
Grimm vs. Athena, I can see what your mean but I think that the Neith/Li Xiu gap is narrower than the Athena/Grimm gap and Neith ought to have the advantage of power creep (been tracked by some very diligent people and posted on the forum).
The costumes are MUCH faster to level and use less ascension materials than the hero. IF I were starting from scratch and had the mats I would go Neith instead of Li Xiu + Costume.
I don’t have Neith but I already had Li Xiu maxed (no emblems) when I drew her costume. In this case, the costume is extremely quick to level and I’ll have to think about emblems.
I guess she is well paired with Onatel on offense team but I have neither ( ) of them.
Tbh my one is more then half way ascendant will do some tryouts with her now
Jackal is by far my favorite hero. He’s a glass cannon, but evade comes in handy. I don’t have any other rogues, so the Jackals sit at +16 and +20 emblems.
It’s just too fun. I tried to replicate the concept with double valeria, but they don’t pack a punch.
Jackal #3 will arrive with Teltoc and I can’t wait to try a triple jackal raid.
Neith has been a big disappointment for Me. I loved the design of the hero, as it looked like a solid support hero (damage, blind and mana denial in one hero sounds great). After testing her at 4/80 she is quite fragile, her special only does around 150-200 dmg, her mana denial is almost unnotizable (unless enemies are maxed) and blind doesn’t has so much impact since it depends on rng and only last 4 turns. In top of that, her mana is average, so usually she will be firing her special after the enemy heroes have used their special, making her 2 main strenghts (mana denial and blind) arrive in a bad timing and dont have any real impact in the fight. I know surely she will not be rebalanced, but if she’ll be, here are some ideas:
- Give her more attack or % in special to adopt an agressive support role.
- Give her a fast special so her mana denial and blind act faster and more effectively.
- Maintain her average special but empower it. A bit of healing for the team (since it Will get damage, more % in mana denial, a blind of more turns…
- Turn her in a more deffensive support role. More tranky stats and probably adapt her special without damage but with more mana denial, blind and bonuses for the team.
Those are my 50 cents. What are your ideas to make Neith more playable without making her OP?
I think it’s time for opening new thread for asking Neith to be fixed @zephyr1
I don’t think there’s one in Ideas & Feature Requests yet, so you could certainly create one to collect ideas, discussion, and votes.
I have the luck to get her but i don’t really like her
I think the real reason is that i don’t have the right team for her
Cue for a song: All we are saying is give Neith a chance.
A 5* takes 353,599 XP to max.
A 4* takes 167,592 XP to max; the costume takes the same 167,592 XP.
Just straight up a Costume 4* is 2 x 167.5k = 335k; still less than the 5* at 354k.
But leveling a costume gets an XP boost of 2.5x if you stick to on color leveling. So that becomes an effective XP of only 67k required for the costume, bringing the Costumed 4* down to only 235k XP, which is much less than the 354k for a max 5*.
Not Zephyr, but was trying do a thread for it already last weak, but hadn’t that much time. But now here we go: Neith needs a buff
Thank you for being a scholar and a gentleman. I like data raw facts and appreciate your efforts of calculating that.
Quick question mother north & Marie Teresa if zombies are summoned and destroyed mn goes off who gets revived zombies or original heroes