Neith – New November 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

I also have neith so I want a mn-inari-mt-neith-Frieda line up

Seems too soft on the damage. MT is Marie?

Since I have only Neith and Justice in my roster, I recently prefer Neith in offense. She is faster and has higher tile damage.
On the other hand her special attack is too weak. It is less then that of Kadilen. Very disappointing for a HOTM.


Ppl pointed out before she was released. That’s why a lot of players (include my alliance) hold on pulling.

Btw good luck asking for buff

I got Neith when she was released. I have the power to ascend her but sitting on my mats desperately seeking a fast holy.

So I just faced her as tank in raids, couldn’t get through on 3 attempts, the blindness was killing me. She had support from Ariel, rest I can’t remember. That blindness thing is pretty big!


I just noticed several +12 to +15 Neiths on my morning raids. I still haven’t decided to ascend mine, but many have. I found the blind to be annoying also.

A small tip: Whenever I use Rigard and Vivica, I put them on the wings (except if against Jabberwock), so they are not affected by splash attacks at the same time.

Congrats on the victory though.

Correct, I also have done this since a week ago, thank you for mentioned me :+1:
You can see my latest war hit demo here.

Neith & Inari together are an annoying threat.


So just a funny story, I went into a Kunchen tank raid with mono yellow because I hate that man, and my yellow bench is strong enough now to give that a shot. I managed to pull through after a pretty bad board, though my +11 Gretel and Li Xiu weren’t tough enough to survive.

And I thought "man, if only I had a mana gen yellow HOTM! Like my Kingston and Seshat! I might’ve been able to fire my guys a turn sooner! Who is the yellow…

Oh… oh… oh…"


She does have plus 4% mana gen though.

The joke is she’s bad, so I wouldn’t want to bring her on raids, thus defeating the purpose of having the ability at all.


LOL, sorry it flew over my head. Good joke!

Edit: You know they F’d up when her name has become synonymous with a bad nerf. It’s all over the JF thread.

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Now that she have a good level, i started use her in raid mainly as back up for a 3-2 or sometimes replace my Vivica on a triple stack (so sacrificing my safe net).

I have to say… i like her a lot.
I really don’t understand why people complaint, she is quite amazing.

I may sound harsh, but people that bad talk about her probably never use her, or don’t know how to use her.

I actually like her and use her in attack more then Kingston.


She also deals a fair amount of damage, if you take the enemies def down before.

She does 3 awesone things, mana cut, blind and damage to all.


As part of a yellow pair, or in a sole yellow role, I’d say costumed mid-emblemed Li Xiu fires faster and does about the same level of damage. I’m a believer in the “faster is better in offense” school so I chose her and left Neith at 3-70.

Neith would be more effective in a yellow stack with her mana boost. If I had Joon or even Leonidas I’d use her there together with Jackal. Sadly my yellow bench is very shallow.

Was hoping Neith would be in roughly the same neighborhood as Drake, both being HOTMs and with the recent power creep. Shrug. Seeing her only slightly superior (arguably) to Li Xiu is underwhelming.

Edit: I have used her in the latter part of Wars with a mono yellow stack with maxed Jackal, Li Xiu, Chao and Wu. LOL. Typical mono results.

I am so with you here! I love Kingston very much and at first I choosed Kingston but then after I saw how awesome she is I am maxing her. I am moving very fast in S2 and I reached Province 23 in S1 and I was able to finish Santa quest, Mount Umber and so on. Boldie, Wilbur, Kash, Kingston and Neith. And thanks to Wilbur. I am madly in love with Wilbur. Neith is really awesome with him.


I agree, she is useful, but that’s mostly due to her blind. I still think her damage needs to be slightly increased (she should be at 190%). Drake also has blind but his damage is far greater (270%)… and he is fast…

She badly needed a nerf when she was at 230%, that would have been too much, but the current nerf is also too much though.


An emblemed Neith is turning out to be a solid tank option as well…



You got it right. With Wilbur’s def down and BT’s attack buff, Neith Simply turn into a monster.
I am using the same strategy on Aegir tank.
Wilbur’s reversal effect or Kunchen + BT’s attack buff, followed by Richard and Anzogh or Rumpelstiltskin( pray it was an AOE) just blow up an entire Aegir mates within the spirit link.