Neith – New November 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Probably Neith for you. The Onatel-Neith combo is quite good as well as having the elemental link from both.

Mana cut + mana buff = quite good

Inari would be used more like a life saver and probably better at titans.

Good points - thanks man. I was 60/40 favoring Neith in my head… always good to confirm with others before giving those darts away and waiting another 3+ months before getting 6 more… lol.

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For me Inari it’s much more better then Neith


Both can be good. It depends on your roster and play style.

If not because of me using Rana. I would probably have power leveled Neith by now.

I run mono teams with elemental links in mind. The more the better. I don’t have Ranvir but I do have Drake.

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My 2 cents - will be pulling at the event and later in Atlantis for Evelyn this month so high chance i can get Neith.

My maxed yellows are Guin and Joon. Have been destroying Kunchen tanks in 3/2 setup with Joon and 2 Jackals - one +18 and one +8.

Finally got 6 dart and ascended immediately Inari ( not planning even to wait for Neith to come around ) - at 4/40 with Joon and Jackal +18 already replaced my previous setup and am super,super happy with Inari in that setup - can’t wait to max her, strip the 2nd Jackal + other emblems I am having and start going attack path with her as well

P.S But i just don’t like Neith and don;t even want her, so maybe I am biased.

My war style is 3-2 teams. I don’t have the stomach for the variance of 5-0… although its super powerful when it works out.

I’m now super excited about the Onatel-Neith package. Thanks for bringing that up. I think they can be a fun duo.

Off power-leveling Neith… :slight_smile:

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Thanks - good to get another view… I think I’ll wait a day or two while I bring Neith to 3-70 and think about it a bit more…

Absurd. Everyone says every HOTM is trash. Anzogh is trash, Gruzul is trash. Who else is trash? No they are not. I have maxed Anzogh, and Gruzul. I maxed them over the “best” red sniper who sits at 1-1 Marjana. Both are pretty solid, and worth the rings. The only people who think these are trash heros either have every HOTM/special hero, no Mats to bring them to full potential, or just compare every HOTM to gravemaker. Explain how she is trash? Blinds all, cuts mana. Get real, almost anyone would max that if mats were unlimited. Waiting for the next “Buff this HOTM” forum post. Most the people hating are just salty they didn’t pull her, or never even maxed her bc they listen to all the other peoples nonsense. Just like gravemaker was trash when he came out.


Believe me she is. I found her in couple of defense and like tank and like flang, she its its nothing special. When I found her on tank position I even dont stack with purple

Me too, I already create a poll in my thread/topic, asking for my AW Tank red, the choice are: Marjana, Grazul and Anzogh, and majority are choose Anzogh. And already give him rings today.
But after seeing Feb HOTM (Jean François),… mhhh I also want replace with him later, but thats take a time, and I have 5 rings left now. So, and this is if I can get him anyway :sweat_smile:

Back to topic, I will plan to summon at Wonderland and Atlantis in November hope to get Neith in my rosters.


What I am trying to say is just because they are not good on defense, does not make them bad. Every hero has a use, and can fit into any team given the circumstances.

Anzogh for me shines in the offense position when stacked with Wilbur, Falcon, Boldtusk. Mono red team, which if it goes as planned, all charge at same time, and can wipe a war team of 4200+ out clean.


Everyone have play style, I dont like to play mono because I dont found nothing interesting with mono. With mono you can win and with 4* team but this dont make this team the best. Sorry but this is the ugli truth Neith need buff


I’ve been testing Neith since day one and this is what I found:

Defense: She’s not a tank by any stretch of the word. Her base stats are simply way too low and her average mana will only work against you. Even with high emblems (I took mine to +13) her new stats are nice but not anything to brag about. RF is where she’s best suited for, and even then I noticed she wasn’t any major factor on my wins on any of the videos I saw against my defense. She never charged in a few instances. I used both lvl29mana and lvl30crit troops. Neither standing out more than the other.

Her 10% mana drain is only good enough to thwart a single turn of special attacks. But I found that heroes can usually recharge their special(s) on the same turn due to the drain being so low.

Her attack is next to non-existent only making any difference when paired with an attack boost. Her damage might be more noticeable at lower levels in the game against 4*s or unemblemed heroes but its nearly imperceptible the higher level you play at. Certain death if used against riposte. Looking at your Boss Wolf.

Blind is her biggest asset and really the single peripheral that stood out most of the time on any videos I saw. Mainly since it persists for 4 turns, which is not the best but also not the worst. Basically acts as a safety net once the weak 10% mana drain has lost its effect, which is nearly immediately after it’s been fired.

Element Link mana boost is yet another tool taunting us to color stack, so those of you who think SG might be discouraging color stacking, think again, all if not most new heroes will have a an elemental link going forward. Not just to allow us to build better team chemistry but also boost our attack against these new emblemed heroes with high base stats. I would imagine that Neith’s would be most valuable when paired with other average mana heroes. I only used her with other fast mana heroes so there was no noticeable benefit to the mana boost.

Offense: Expect everything I just mentioned from defense with the only added benefit that you can use her mana drain more strategically. I found her to be pretty fun to play with, often time clearing all the mostly dead heroes with an attack boost applied to her special and then setting you up for a further damage and at times event helping your offense stay alive longer with her blind applied.

Titans*: Don’t even bother, unless you have nothing better. Someone else may be able to build a case for her in this area, not me.

I think I’m done playing with her in any serious raiding, she’ll likely never be back on my defense unless she gets buffed and all her emblems will go back to Seshat asap. I don’t regret maxing her and giving her emblems since I do enjoy using her, but as of now she’s just another halfassed hero by SG… I’m almost positive she’ll get buffed in the future, she has to because as it stands she’s by no means a must have. Definitely not worth pursuing in my opinion. Luxury hero at best that most can’t afford tbh…


I am going to ask the question today. I have 9 darts, Drake#2 and Vivica at 70. I was waiting for Neith but she is getting mixed reviews. So I would like to use my lifeline and ask the audience.

Below is my 5* list

5* Level Color Emblems
Khiona 4-80 Purple 10
Victor 4-80 Purple
Obakan 3-70 Purple
Quintus 3-70 Purple
Mok-Arr 4-80 Purple 3
Sartana 3-70 Purple
Seshat 4-80 Purple 6
Kunchen 4-80 Purple 9
Onatel 4-80 Yellow 9
Joon 4-80 Yellow
Vivica 3-70 Yellow
Drake 4-80 Yellow 10
Drake 3-70 Yellow
Isarnia 4-80 Blue
Richard 3-70 Blue
Athena 4-80 Blue 5
Lianna 4-80 Green
Kadlien 4-80 Green 2
Horghall 1-26 Green Garbage
Natalya 4-80 Red 8
Natalya 3-70 Red
Elena 3-70 Red
Anzogh 4-80 Red

Would you suggest to keep holding for Neith or maybe white Rabbit? I do plan on doing a 10 pull during wonderland but have a better shot at getting friar tuck.

What do you think?



I would max a second Drake for war over most other holy heroes, no question…


You have both mana control and blind on Onatel and Drake Fong, to me you don’t need Neith.
Seeing how the critHOTM are going to be I would even wait to summon until January and forward.

As defense you already have one of the best tanks (Kunchen), two of the best yellows to flank him (Drake Fong & Onatel), Seshat to fill the dispeller’s role and Kadilen to finish off low HP attackers.

It’s not that Neith isn’t useful, it’s just that you don’t need her.


Picking up some opinions here on extent of mana cut: For me there is a relevant difference if mana is cut by 10% or more. The reason is that it happened not only once that after mana cutting dumb tiles or dumb cascade directly refilled enemy mana at end of turn so that the opponent could fire right ahead. So, the bigger the cut, the safer it is to keep the enemy silent for next turn. If mana is cut at end of turn as lotl minions do, then 10% or 20% does not make such a difference.



That is basically my defense you mentioned. Except I have Anzogh at LW instead of Kad. Should I try swapping them?

Anz Ona Kunch DR Sesh

PS. I love Mok-Arr (Mok-Arr Wilbur Kunch Onatel Seshat got me to 33 global the other day haha)

To me Anzogh is ok at tank/flank and meh at wing…
I would try Seshat - Drake Fong - Kunchen - Onatel - Kadilen

In this way it would be easier for your wings and Onatel to fire together and wipe out attackers.


I think she’s great for me mostly because I lack variety in maxed yellow 5* (2 Leo’s, Joon^3, Justice, and I have more copies of Leo and Justice I refuse to level despite having close to 20 darts after ascending Neith). I may use her over Leo in raid attack now (I use Leo, Joon, Jackal on purples) but I have to get her maxed first.