Neith – New November 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Well said. I too like the look. I just pulled her off one pull. Excited to utilize her.

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Did 3 Halloween pulls. Got Victor. Didn’t got Neith. Won’t be chasing her.

I ended up winning Neith. I have joon 3.70. 03 Darts. Some advice ?

Please upgrade this hero. She is the same as a normal 5 * Hero. There’s nothing Hero of the Month.

Your mana should be fast or else should cut 25% off mana, or deal at least 195% damage. Or have Attack or Defense with 800+.

The way this hero is today is a simple Hero 5 *, bland and of little use on teams with more powerful heroes. :frowning:


Rana is the same speed as Onatel at average. :wink:

Jackal + Drake can’t kill unless 2/3 HP remaining.

I can get the Neith + Onatel combo for the mana cut and steal.

After consideration, Rana would most likely be the one taken out considering the mana cut combo with the elemental link.

I do have Poseidons, Drakes and more Joons in my 1/1 collection which might not see the daylight.

Wouldn’t that take out my deciding factor when my heroes are charged up?

TBH, I am not great at using Inari. Should probably use her like Margaret as a lifesaver.

I was following this thread closely to decide where to spend saved up summons… then those new hotms went into beta, now I’ve shut everything down and in save up mode for Jan Feb March. Lol insanely strong heroes


I really don’t think they will remain unchanged and I am referring to February and March. They are incredible powerful right now. They will be nerfed, I’m 100% sure of this. They even nerfed Neith (and now is useless for a top player; there are many better yellows for them).


Yeah they will likely be adjusted still. But even so, the basic functions probably won’t change and I’m betting both will remain strong

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Yes, the skill remains the same I guess. But fast mana should become average and lower also the DoT. As average should become slow (because Yunan is weeping in the corner).

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I actually plan on putting her as flank to Kunchen. He’s hard enough to kill on a good day, now try it when you can’t see!

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I was saving quite a lot of gems to get both Evelyn this month and Kageburado next month. Been doing hundreds of pulls every Atlantis and still no sign of Kage and Ariel.

I heard Kage might be the one featured this month or next month.

But after seeing Vela, Jean and what-ever-her-name-is (March) HotM coming soon… demmm…

I think I might even pass everything including xmas pulls and save all the gems just to get them.

I hope the nerf coming for all three won’t be as hard as what Neith is receiving.


Who in that lineup is your deciding factor?

I usually kill 1 hero with the J&J combo.

Then I will triple hit on the opposite side with D-O-R.
Usually a slower death on the other side.

If I use Neith and Inari, I don’t know.
Inari requires the enemy to hit while Neith cuts their mana.
Contradicts the purpose of Inari doesn’t it while not much damage is done to the opponent.

I’ve come across her a couple of times at flank now and some more as tank. She’s a soft tank with a moderate annoyance factor - I’d put her as comparable to Justice there (maybe slightly worse; hard to tell honestly). At flank I still haven’t had her fire once, and even if she did the attacker has plenty time to charge their Rigards, Kunchens, Grazuls and Zims…

Those of you who use her on offense, is she more than okayish?

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No idea. Lack of motivation to even level her. :sweat_smile:


Honestly, Neith contradicts herself, but I see your point.

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Big dislike. Won’t be attempting a pull.

The only one that might warrant nerf is Telluria. Others are so-so. There’s no power creep here. We go from big Kingston to big Telluria. Hope you have need to chase greens.

Hey @AirHawk, how do you like Inari? Have darts to ascend next yellow and am debating Inari vs. Neith. (I pulled Neith yesterday.)

What would you guys do if you had Inari and Neith - who would you max first?

For context I’m just looking for help on war offense as I have over 20+ 5* maxed and my defense team is set. I guess titan team could improved as well.

Other yellow 5*: Onatel, Joon, Ranvir, Vivica.

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