đŸ”” [Master Discussion] -- Trials of Decimation - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

@Silencio Really cool that you went with 3* + Melendor. At this moment I have very few 3* maxed, but you gave me something to try in the future.

@Dudeious.Maximus Obviously it was not very important here, but don’t C. Lake’s minions overwrite the bigger mana gen debuff of Treevil?


In fact, I tried to do all the trials with vanilla 3/4* heroes because of a challenge that @Muchacho suggested last year. :grin:


Yeah they do
 I fired treevil at the start of boss wave had 3 minions by that point
 waited till it wore of fire lotl and waited for treevil to fire again once they was ready
 Just messing about with different heros for this one :slight_smile:


That was fun, glad you remembered and liked it!

You shouldn’t regret it. My Glenda is +20 and in serious contention for LB next time the blue aether quest comes along. :+1:



Gave treevil a try. Didn’t time it right and didn’t fire him against bosses :frowning_face:
No items

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well, did it again; same team and went even worse! In the end had to use 3 bombs (and a few antidotes) to kill the bosses before I would probably lose. But got plenty of bombs, so no problem.

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New team poseidon out WR in Treevil out ingolf in 
 No items 

Emblems in storage
 trainer lady sheep bunny .


I should really look back at what i did earlier. The previous team was very good. Not that this one is bad:

but Kiril and Misandra are actually quite a bit better for this specific trial. Aodhan’s problem is that his fiends do very little damage. like 25 damage per turn. not much at all.

the result:

Wizards to Treevil, most likely. Fighters TBD. Trainer to Mack.


Changed my team this time :

Forgot to take screen of the trial team.

Put Kiril back in and Tree over Sartana for defense drop/ attack debuff. It went really well. Tree made bosses a lot easier. I took revive scrolls just in case, but Tree didn’t die.


Same team as last time:

Board was very stingy with reds, but proteus made sure they didn’t charge, when both died, it was nearly done.


My team this time:

  • Poseidon +18
  • Onatel +19
  • Kiril 4^75 +c20
  • Isarnia +c17
  • Bertila +18

Compared to last time, Isarnia is up 2 talents.

This was the first time I’ve ever noticed the mobs doing any significant damage, but it seems like they sure beat up on poor Isarnia this time. I always got Kiril charged in time, but sometimes it was just in time. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged, and although the board wasn’t really heavy with anything, it seemed to make sense to go after Oberon, so I did. He revived once, but didn’t fire. Soon after, a cascade came out of nowhere and finished off Ulmer and Balthazar. Seems like it just has a way of working out with this team. :man_shrugging:

Not enough wizard emblems for Isarnia’s next node. A bit undecided on fighters since taking Colen to +c20. Kinda want to bring up Magni again for war depth, but also thinking maybe Lancelot for his boosted stats in Challenge Festival and considerably cheaper emblem cost. Mack is also a contender, as most of my four-star reds are kinda squishy, so having a tank at that level could be useful. We’ll see


Decided to take Isarnia out. Worked well. Only Balthazar fired his special. No items.


For some reason I didn’t look back at my previous attempts, and just took a look through my roster to see if i could change it up from the previous run. Since Aodhan was underwhelming in this, I switched him out with Colen, who I almost never use (cuz no costume):

I even gave him emblems to +4 just for this.


poor Colen didn’t make it. I went in all charged and everybody full health, but Colen’s health and defense are very poor. one slash attack and he was already on the ropes, and then Proteus’ mana freeze wore off and Balthazar charged after i needed to trigger a yellow diamond to get some new tiles. who does he hit? Colen of course. but even with just his 12% chance, he revived! and now there are some red tiles! and Boldtusk just needs one more red match to charge! match red, and who gets hit by the next slash attack? Colen, of course, who now doesn’t revive. :roll_eyes: :man_shrugging: :rofl: oh well, another round of specials from the rest of the gang, and it was basically over, so i didn’t bother using a time stop to prevent Oberon’s poison attack. poor Colen, better luck next time buddy.

Fighters saved for now, i have so many fighters now the question is where best to put them, (just got Elena and Magni too), Wizards also saved, currently no great candidates for them besides maybe some more to Kiril #2. Trainer to cRigard #5, who’s almost done.


Lotl out zircon in 
 No items 

Wizard - JF 
 fighter and trainer killhare


Same team, except colen now has costume bonus.

Not that it helped him survive

2 proteus means bosses didn’t charge, but just their slashes were more then boldtusk can outheal.


Wasn’t Treevil supposed to be OP? My three trees lost against three 3* S1 heroes

I just tried to beat the bosses with weaker heroes and I almost regret it. I had to use all the small heal and mana potions, arrows and antidotes to keep Kirill alive.

The emblems will be stored and the trainer to Viscaro.

Take care. :wink:


Ha! Great attempt @Silencio !

Changed my team up. Wasn’t planning to do this so, again, no photos. I PROMISE I beat it.

Dropped Sartana who is +7. She is kind of disappointing, even on my kind of bad roster. Put my new Lancelot +20 & LB’d in. I REALLY like that guy. The team:

Costume Melendor +20 & LB’d
Elena maxed
Lancelot +20 & LB’d
Glenda +20 & LB’d (LB’d but still at 80)
Magni +20 with costume bonus

Smooth sailing through mobs. For the bosses the intent was basically counter attack and try to keep hammering between Glenda and Lancelot’s boosts. Lancelot’s mana boost would help Elena and Glenda. Magni is already fast.

Elena died 
. like instantly. I vaguely remember her survivability being an issue. She was at +10 or so. It wasn’t as big of an issue then. It sure is without emblems though. Yikes.

I was kind of banking on counter attack for a lot of the damage, but I was able to adjust and essentially blow them away with the various A boosts and mana boosts so everyone was firing pretty quickly. Magni and costume Melendor kept D generally boosted. Glenda and antidotes handled poison from Oberon.

I think all I used were some antidotes, maybe 2?

All emblems to storage because I am in the middle of some leveling and emblem shuffling.

  • Wizard will go to Merlin when I finish maxing him.

  • Fighter is a little trickier. I can ascend one red between Khagan and Tyr. Leaning towards Tyr as Lancelot kind of does what Khagan does for now until I get two more rings. That means fighter emblems to Elena or Tyr. I was leaning towards Tyr, but I just got Elena’s costume from HA10 on Sunday. Her costume seems good, so I am leaning towards leveling her costume and embleming her on the costume path.

That’s the plan atleast for now. People don’t talk about Tyr much, but I saw he was in @Sam-I-Am team with some emblems. How do you like him?

Good luck!



So, Tyr was a key member of my main raid team for a very very long time, that helped me go from Gold to Diamond. It’s true that he doesn’t do a lot of upfront damage, and that’s probably even more true now that a lot of heroes have higher defense stats due to LBs, but his bleed damage is very good and people often don’t take that into account. Plus he is of course, extremely survivable. There were raids where Tyr was the only hero left and he finished off three heroes on his own. if you keep getting red tiles, he just won’t go away, kinda like < insert joke here >. plus with some kind of attack buff (or defense down) his damage is actually quite good, and the bleed stacks with the fire damage so many other reds have, as well as barbarian bleed talent.

He was eventually replaced in that team by Yang Mai, and then by cMarj, but i still use him almost every war. I have way too many fighters though and not enough emblems to go around, so he has stayed at +4 ever since i maxed him. and i just keep getting more fighters. i got cElena and cMagnu in the past two weeks. If someone could send me several thousand fighter emblems, that would be great. :laughing:

i have thought about limit breaking him as a way to get around the emblem shortage. i have them now, I just have hardly limit broken any heroes so far though, just 2 4s and 3 3s. the aethers are just sort of piling up, but i seem to always be out of food these days. i have feeders piling up in my training camps and can’t even afford the food to level anyone period. :man_shrugging:

that hopefully will change very soon. i’m almost done building everything and i just kicked off the last research i may ever need to do. :partying_face:

and of course, he’s great in the two trials he gets to attend. :+1:

congrats on getting Elena’s costume. and i guess i’ll just have to take your word you really got through the trial. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :laughing:


Catching up from vacation. My team this time:

Poseidon +18
Onatel +19
Kiril 4^75 +c20
Isarnia +c18
Bertila +18

Isarnia up one node from last time.

Trial is very easy, but I was sleepy, and Isarnia died. No worries, though. Bosses were almost dead by then. Wizard emblems saved for JF. Fighter emblems get a node for Magni. Trainer hero to Seshat.

Wrong trial, my bad.