[Master Discussion] Summer Solstice Summon 2022 - FAQ, Discussion, Offers, Summons Results

Our biggest Summon Gate to date shines brightly upon us! :cyclone:

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Start Time End Time Duration
2022-06-01T07:00:00Z 2022-06-06T07:00:00Z 5 Days

:man_singer: Solstice Summon



Appearance Rates

:warning: The summon costs and odds are not confirmed.


Featured Heroes:

Nyx and Hynos

Written format

Rare Hero: 71.0%
Epic Hero: 26.5%
Legendary Hero: 2.3%

Highlighted Legendary Hero: 0.2%
Featured heroes: Hypnos, Nyx (not confirmed)

Summoning Costs:


You can use gems only.
Single Pull: 350 gems
10x Pull: 3000 gems
30x Pull: 8400 gems

Solstice Bonus Chest:

The chest will contain 4 items with a certain chance.
Here are the chances based on @Dorkus 's collection in Beta (where this chest was available instead of Challenge Festival Bonus Chest):

Examples from Black Friday Beta:

  1. 1x Aether III, 2x20 Emblems, 1xOrb of Magic
  2. 2x Rare Trainer Hero, 2x Large Food Bundle, 2x (2x Medium Food Bundle)
  3. 1xAether II, 20 Emblems,1x Mystic Rings, 1x Hidden Blade
  4. 2x Epic Trainer Hero, 2x Giant Food Bundle, 1x Aether I, 50 Emblems

Examples from Live Game during Black Friday Summon:
kép kép kép

Examples from Live Game during Solstice Summon:

Heroes in the portal

You can not pull costumes from the portal.

Based on the annoucement the possible heroes in the portal:

Event Rare Heroes Epic Heroes Legendary Heroes

Old challenge events
Fables of Grimforest Pixie, Gnomer Gretel, Hansel Boss Wolf, Puss in Boots, Red Hood, Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White
Guardians of Teltoc Guardian Bat, Guardian Lemur Guardian Falcon, Guardian Jackal Guardian Chameleon, Guardian Gazelle, Guardian Kong, Guardian Panther, Guardian Owl
Knights of Avalon Bauchan, Treevi Merlin, Sir Lancelot Black Knight, Guinevere, King Arthur, Lady of the Lake, Morgan Le Fay
Pirates of Coreilla Sally, Vodnik Peters, Boomer Captiain Keshrel, Finley, Lady Locke, Marie-Thérèse, Sargasso
Riddles of Wonderland Shrubbear, Phoenicus Captian of Diamonds, Chesire Cat Alice, Jabberwock, Queen of Hearts, The Hatter, White Rabbit

New challenge events
League of Villains Edd, Shrekok Ingolf, Sangrior Asterius, Crystalis, Dark Lord, Isrod, Karnov, Toxicandra
Slayers of Fell Shadows Noril, Maeve Aodhan, Cillian, Orla Caitlín, Cathal, Rian, Saoirse, Senan
Sanctuary of Gargoyles Budatín, Soroca Bellerive, Kalø Arco, El Duque, Gaillard, Goseck, Peñolite
Starfall Circus Candy, Whacker D"André, Eichelborg, Marcel Bobo, Director Zuri, Eiora & Fluffy, Emilio, Faline, Theobald

Hero of the Months
2017 HotM - - Alberich, Athena, Ares,Hel, Musashi, Perseus, Thoth-Amun
2018 HoTM - - Aegir, Aeron, Alasie, Deliah, Drake Fong, Evelyn, Gravemaker, Gregorion, Khiona, Natalya, Zeline, Zimkitha
2019 HoTM - - Anzogh, Frida, Grazul, Grimble, Kingston, Kunchen, Margaret, Miki, Neith, Onatel, Ranvir, Seshat
2020 HotM - - Bai Yeong, Clarissa, Jean-Francois,Glenda, Malosi, Noor, Raffaele, Reuben, Telluria, Vela, Zocc, Zulag
2021 HoTM - - Alexandrine, Balbar, Bertila, Chakkoszrot, Devana, Elradir, Frosth, Hanitra, Malicna, Russell, Uraeus, Yang Mai
2022 HoTM - - Iris, Kara, Silvaria, Viscaro, Zagrog
Bonus Hero - - Myztero

Seasonal events
Springvale Chick Jr., Squire Wabbit Lady Woolerton, Jack O’Hare Killhare, Master Lepus, Sir Roostley
Sand Empire Arman, Hisan Gafar, Jabbar Rana, Roc, Yunan
Return to Morlovia Jack, Vlad Frank, Valeria Francine, Vanda, Victor
Santa’s Challenge Frosty, Rudolph Buddy, Carol Krampus, Mother North, Mr. Pengi, Santa Claus

Season 2 Chocin, Gato, Gill-Ra, Melia, Mnesseus, Muggy, Namahage Agwe, Ameonna, Danzaburo, Gaderius, Gobbler, Proteus, Sumitomo, Triton, Wilbur Ariel, Atomos, Inari, Kageburado, Misandra, Mitsuko, Mokk-Arr, Poseidon, Tarlak, Tethys, Ursena
Season 3 Agnes An-Windr, Bjorn, By-Ulf, Ei-Dunn, Grevle, Jarvur, Kvasir, Nordi, Sudri Almur, Brynhild, Fura, Gullinbursti, Jott, Mireweave, Mist, Shadereave, Stonecleave, Sumle Alfrike, Baldur, Bera, Fenrir, Freya, Frigg, Gefjon, Heimdall, Lady Loki, Lord Loki, Norns, Odin, Salmon Loki, Sif, Skadi, Thor, Tyr
Season 4 Gramps, Helo, Morris, Poppy, Vollermork Griffin, Mack, Rokkamush, Tettukh, Zila Lei Akkorog, Aouda, Captian Nemo, Congalach, Dr. Moreau, Elizabeth, Exeera, Garjammal, Hannah,Hulda, Lepiota, Lughaidh, Morel, Octros, Passepartout, Phileas Fogg, Prof. Lidenbrock, Russula, Xnolphod, Zekena, Zenobia
Season 5 Aqeela, Faiez, Jarif, Rekhetre, Waqas Ahhotep, Azmia, Junaid, Ptolemy, Scoratek El Naddaha, Horus, Khufu, Khonshu, Papyros, Sobek

Tower events
Ninja Tower - Ametrine, Sapphire, Shale Cobalt, Garnet, Jade, Kravekrush, Mica, Onyx, Peridot, Ruby, Quartz, Topaz, Zircon
Tower of Magic Dölgöön, Kornel Anastasia, Anton, Sergei Agrafen, Cristóbal, Milena, Mortega, Nadezdha

Alliance Quest
Clash of Knights Aderyn, Bertulf Ferant, Franz, Wren Eloise, Esme, Lewena, Ludwig, Quenell, Quintin, Rayne Wolfgang

War of the Three Kingdoms
W3K Heroes Li, Jing, Yao Sun Shangxiang, Wang Yuanji, Xiahou Dun, Zhou Yu Diaochan, Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Lu Bu, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang

Brand new heroes which will come in 2022
Styx Heroes - - Hypnos, Nyx
Total 60 69 202

:money_mouth_face: Offers

Offer 1 and 2:

Price of the offer 1 on the left: 2.99 USD | Price of the offer on the right: 19.99USD
Offer 2: 4.99 USD, 20.99 USD, 99.99 USD

:question: Questions?

If you have questions about the Portal, please post them down below.

:link: Related Threads


Hero topics for the new heroes:


Eariler than i thought it would be. Nice portal and all, but a pass for me.


Wait so this is JUST a summon portal for the heroes (excluding s1 heroes)?
No event attached to it, or is it an event too?

I never did the Black Friday 2021 - and what was the free gift before? 1 hero token or something worse?

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[Master Discussion] Black Friday Summon Event 2021 - FAQ, Discussion, Offers, Summons Results for the comparison


I have 2700 gems now, hope to get to 3000 then. Definitely one of the best portals to pull, so it’s go for me.

News states “costumes not included”.
So if I should be so lucky to pick Alasie I’ll get only the base version, and not the OP one? Or this applies only for S1 costumes?


I like this portal, but again I don’t have 3000 gems… I will keep saving them until Black Friday 2022.
Good luck everyone with your pulls. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Kalgaath costumes not included means any hero that has a costume available in the live game, that means Normal Alasie is available and the costume version is not.


I haven’t done any pulls since the Black Friday portal. I have over 6000 gems saved up and will most likely use them for this.

Arfanias is also a decent HOTM so super happy this is in June and not July.

The lack of costumes does come as a negative, but shouldn’t overshadow how great everything else about the portal is.


From the image of this OP, it seems that the artwork has not changed since the beta version.
SGG again ignored the beta player’s opinion.


Are gargoyles part of this?

Sadly, the salary comes at 10th :wink:

Else it would be quite interesting thing. Though bad idea not to include the costumes. There are too many now for non-classic heroes, and many base versions of the heroes are bad.

Maybe I’ll win the lottery. Still a week to go.


Based on the announcement yes all challenge event heroes are included.

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So very early this giant summon portal. Not surprising

He does look like a normal kid. I though he has a more underworld look for some reason

good to know that this will likely be a recurring thing - we had Black Friday, now Summer Solstice. So I will save my gems for a 10-pull in the next one, instead of doing single pulls. The “savings” will be worth it…

… after all by the next one we will probably have like 30 new heroes added to the summons pool :wink:


I have updated to OP with similar information what we had for Black Firday.

If there is any change, and then I will update the OP once the event starts.

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He does seem to be depicted very young in at least some art.


10 pulls for 300 gems! What a deal!

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Quite a downside that they don’t include Costume in it. Was thinking to pull C.Wilbur from there (or other non Vanilla Heroes) instead of AR where I can just get bunch of Vanillas.