[Master Discussion] Black Friday Summon Event 2024 - FAQ, Discussion, Offers, Summons Results

Welcome to our biggest Summon Gate ever — it’s the Black Friday extravaganza!

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Start Time End Time Duration
2023-11-25T07:00:00Z 2024-12-02T07:00:00Z 7 Days

:man_singer: Black Friday Summon

Appearance Rates

Featured Heroes:Images will be added.

Written format

Rare Hero: 69.7%
Epic Hero: 26.5%
Legendary Hero: 3.6%

Highlighted Legendary Hero: 0.2%
Featured heroes: Hrothgar, Wealhtheow

Summoning Costs:

You can use gems only.
Single Pull: 350 gems
10x Pull: 3000 gems
30x Pull: 8400 gems

Black Friday Bonus Chest:

The chest will contain 4 items with a certain chance.
Here are the chances based on @Dorkus 's collection in Beta (where this chest was available instead of Challenge Festival Bonus Chest):

Examples from Beta:

  1. 1x Aether III, 2x20 Emblems, 1xOrb of Magic
  2. 2x Rare Trainer Hero, 2x Large Food Bundle, 2x (2x Medium Food Bundle)
  3. 1xAether II, 20 Emblems,1x Mystic Rings, 1x Hidden Blade
  4. 2x Epic Trainer Hero, 2x Giant Food Bundle, 1x Aether I, 50 Emblems

Examples from Live Game:

Heroes in the portal

  • All released legendary heroes in the past 2 years (this excludes the Season 1 heroes too), and all released non Season 1 Epic and Rare heroes.
  • Costumes are also included in the portal.
  • The two new Featured heroes.

List of available heroes:

Event Rare Heroes Epic Heroes Legendary Heroes

Old challenge events
Fables of Grimforest Pixie, Gnomer Gretel, Hansel C Cinderella, Frog Prince, Puss in Boots C
Guardians of Teltoc Guardian Bat, Guardian Lemur Guardian Falcon, Guardian Jackal C Guardian Elephant, Guardian Gazelle C, Guardian Hippo
Knights of Avalon Bauchan, Treevill Merlin C, Sir Lancelot Green Knight, Guinevere C
Pirates of Coreilla Sally, Vodnik Boomer, Peters C Black Caesar, Lady Locke C, Sargasso C
Riddles of Wonderland Phoenicus, Shrubbear Captian of Diamonds, Chesire Cat C Knave of Hearts, Queen of Hearts C, The Hatter C, Tweedles

New challenge events
Bard Heroes Zarel Garyas, Zhabog Astrid,Belladonna, Bonzo, Celimene, Ogima
Carnival of Gods Alessia Fosco Aradia, Carmenta, Cel, Februus, Jana, Umbria
League of Villians - - Dark Lord C
Mighty Pets Edd, Shrekok Ingolf, Sangrior Barkley, Cinnamon, Luna
Secrets of the Opera Swan Maiden Raul Armand Moncharmin, Charlotta, Christine Daae, Daroga, Firmin Richard, Madame Giry, Meg Giry, Phantom of the Opera, Prince Siegfried, Odette, Odile, Von Rothbart
Slayers of Fell Shadows Noril, Maeve Aodhan, Cillian, Orla
Return to Sanctuary Betty Grumbl, Vonreine Garten, Guffa, Hilda, Mena, Pophit, Uwe, Vincent
Sanctuary of Gargoyles Budatín, Soroca Bellerive, Kalø Kemény, Matrera
Starfall Circus Candy, Whacker D"André, Eichelborg, Marcel

Hero of the Months
2017 HotM - - Ares C, Hel C, Musashi C, Perseus C, Thoth-Amun C
2018 HoTM - - Aegir C, Aeron C, Deliah C, Evelyn C, Gregorion C, Khiona C, Natalya C, Zeline C
2022 HoTM - - Balur
2023 HoTM - - Areax, Cinisia, Gilligan, Ithar, Leadria, Roughian & Nurgib, Skargremar, Suzuna, Turgruk, Uthragan, Viselus
2024 HoTM - - Anoushka, Aviana , Bo & Runt, Galdius, Mene, Sini, Sir Casmir, Zarga, Zora

Seasonal events
Beach Party Dolrak Itham Davey Wavey, Flip, Mazoga, Misty, Mortimer, Zenuk’wa
Lunar New Year - - Gongniu, Laohu, Qinglong, Xiaotu
Kalevala Joukahainen, Para Lemminkäinen, Mielikki C Aino C, Kullervo C, Otso, Ukkonen C, Väinämöinen C
Springvale Chick Jr., Squire Wabbit Lady Woolerton, Jack O’Hare C Archie C, Jasper C, Miss Ethel, Timothy
Return to Morlovia Goppy, Jack, Vlad Ana-Belle, Frank, Valeria Amber, Chester, Edwin, Lucinda, Wayne
Sand Empire Arman, Hisan Gafar, Jabbar
Santa’s Challenge Buster, Frosty, Ginger, Jolly, Rudolph Buddy, Carol, Dizzy, Holly Augustus, Cookie, Ginger, Peppermint, Tinsel, Zappa
Valentines Zarola Voluptas Cupido, Elba, Eros, Himeros, Kabeiroi, Phthonus

Season 2 Chocin, Gato, Gill-Ra C, Melia C, Mnesseus C, Muggy, Namahage Agwe C, Ameonna C, Danzaburo C, Gaderius C, Gobbler C, Proteus C, Sumitomo C, Triton C, Wilbur C Atomos C, Mitsuko C, Mok-Arr C, Tarlak C
Season 3 Agnes, An-Windr C, Bjorn C, By-Ulf, Ei-Dunn C, Grevle, Jarvur, Kvasir C, Nordri C, Sudri Almur C, Brynhild, Fura C, Gullinbursti C, Jott, Mireweave, Mist, Shadereave, Stonecleave, Sumle C Alfrike C, Bera C, Fenrir C, Frigg C, Lady Loki C, Lord Loki C, Norns C, Odin C, Ratatoskr C, Salmon Loki C, Thor C, Tyr C
Season 4 Gramps C, Helo C, Morris C, Poppy C, Vollermork C Griffin C, Mack C, Rokkamush C, Tettukh C, Zila Lei C Akkorog C, Aouda C, Captian Nemo C, Congalach C, Dr. Moreau C, Elizabeth C, Exeera C, Garjammal C, Hannah C, Hulda C, Lepiota C, Lughaidh C, Kravekrush C, Morel C, Octros C, Passepartout C, Phileas Fogg C, Prof. Lidenbrock C, Russula C, Xenda C, Xnolphod C, Zekena C, Zenobia C
Season 5 Aqeela C, Faiez C, Jarif, Rekhetre, Waqas Ahhotep C, Azmia C, Junaid C, Ptolemy, Scoratek Ahmose C, Anubis C, Bastet C, Cleopatra C, Eset C, Hathor C, Hetepheres C, Horus C, Khufu C, Khonshu C, Ma’at C, Meresankh C, C Papyros, Sneferu, Sobek C, Tetisheri C
Untold Tales Bagreg, Jaco Aqualith, Mulgog, Shar’Khai Atlanteia C, Ceto, Domiventus, Ephyra, Galapago C, Gelert, Gestalt C, Lasalle C, Medea C, Persa, Phorcys C, Spartoi, Thalassa C, Ultrox

Tower events
Ninja Tower Kinsaishi, Morganite Ametrine, Osamu, Sapphire, Shale Amethyst, Azurite, Chikao, Ekanite, Iga, Kushanku, Malum, Nomad, Myoin-ni, Oniwakamaru, Sawano, Serandite, Tametomo, Tora, Umeko
Owl Tower Featherino, Paeia Juliani, Olbec Cennius, Eron, Fulvia, Livia, Lodius, Mariol, Ommodus, Relius, Timius, Verus
Tower of Magic Dölgöön, Kornel, Roxia Anastasia, Anton, Lucy, Sergei Becky, Jett, Ray, Telonius, Ulius, Vaishali, Willow
Tower of Styx Dante, Virgil Arges, Brontes, Steropes Amphitrite, Thanatos

Alliance Quest
Brave Musketeers Felton, Planchet Kitty, Villiers Aramis, Athos, Cardinal Richelieu, Constance, D´Artagnan, Milady de Winter, Porthos, Queen Anne, Rochefort
Clash of Knights Aderyn, Bertulf, Fawn, Yona Ferant, Franz, Humbert, Koda, Raleigh, Wren Alvar, Armel, Bernadette, Cecilia, Daemon, Humbert, Lysanor, Siofra, Teddy, Torben, Winnie, Xiamara

War of the Three Kingdoms
Journey Heroes General Yin Heifeng Guai Chang’e, Erlang Shen, Nine-Headed Beast, Queen Guowang, Sha Wujing, Xie Zi Jing, Xiong Shanjun, Xiwangmu
Kingdom Heroes Li, Jing, Yao Sun Shangxiang, Wang Yuanji, Xiahou Dun, Zhou Yu Cao Cao C, Diaochan C, Guan Yu C, Zhang Fei C, Zhuge Liang C

Convenant summon
Abyss Hunter Basil, Greel Bogart, Numbskull Dabria, Goretooth, Otis, Sorrow, Staintongue
Construct Rustbeak Bonechill Blossom, Brimstone, Carta, Ferrus, Frond, Ghealach, Gwynn, Haulstone, Hornfel, Nautica, Rhineglow, Scath, Scoria, Shaal, Shaklebolt, Skarn, Tenebrae
Jungle Hunter Cedar Knuckles Bonecrusher, Hurricane, Mistweaver, Thunderclap, Tremor
Plain Hunter Dawn, Edelaide, Fianna Maheegan, Meadow Dubhán, Revna, Ruadh, Sigyn, Sune, Thura

Super Elemental Summon
Contest of Elements - Alfie, Lexi, Linus, Nova, Zione Aconia, Anzia, Ash, Craum, Desmond, Doxan, Farrah, Gastille, Griffex, Grilka, Ignazio, Ironmaw, Jolt, Niki, Nylora , Quinn, Roz, Vander, Xandrella, Xavier, Zaria, Zengar, Zuni

Goblin Summon
Garrison Guards William Greg Caelen, Dima, Frank ‘Fangs’ Brimwell, Iocantha, Kolya, Pip, Rosalind, Shimmerscale, Theodosius, Vanya, Violet Potts
Goblin Boots Goldie Acidfire, Boom & Fang, Darkfeather, Deadboot, Fizzcoil, Grimsteel, Kettle, Leafwhisk, Madhammer, Pepperflame, Rocket, Scrollbeast, Smarttongue

Astral Elves Summon
Astral Elves Starswift Lionstring Cosmicspeaker, Demilune, Dreadstar, Hammerclang, Lemonwood, Melodymuse, Moonbell, Mooncure, Moonflower, Sparklight, Starlass, Starwalker, Voidstar

Legends Summon
Champions - - Lazara, Mistra, Nogu, Norman, Ramona, Satori

Wilderness and other Summon
Fox - - Rust, Spiff, Swiftpaw, Whitefang
Woodland Faun Saskia - Araminta, Peregrine, Tamlin, Verity, Ysabel
Slime - - Fungustine, Gunktus, Slimgo, Sluddgus
Total: 97 115 356

:money_mouth_face: Offers

:question: Questions?

If you have questions about the Portal, please post them down below.

:link: Related Threads

New heroes:


Similar summons:

Beta for new heroes and the event:


Should this be here? I believe it was mentioned that you can pull costumes this time.


My black friday luck hits again. Last year’s x10 gave Sparklight, now Hrothgar :partying_face:


Congrats! I saved for a 30 pull and got 11 new ones, but no 5*…


120 pulls got me C.Exeera, Aconia and Mene HOTM…

this were the last pulls, expected to expand my repertoire of heroes for going forward without spending, but I guess Ill have to rely on outfitter and SE :slight_smile:

Good luck to all else!


did 30 pulls, got Mena, C. Thalassa, and Mene x2

can’t complain, all new for me


I’m on about 5400 gems so enough for a 10 pull. But given that I’m on 95/100 on my FS counter and was lucky enough to pull Mene the other day I’ll hold off until the last day, by which time I should have made the other 5 summons to reset my FS and we’ll have a new HotM as well.


5x 5*, so odds for me was 25% chance :sweat_smile: I’m so happy. No dupes, all new for me


Sorry for the confusion it seems some old text remained here. I have removed it.


Burnt my remaining gems on a 30 pull.

Got Domiventus and Ceto. Both new to me.

All I need now are some Tomes :sob:


Still have never gotten a 5* from a 30 pull to this day… Guess should’ve done 3x 10 pull instead knowing my curse. Only new one was Junaid costume.


Saved and saved those gems…

Consistent with years of my luck.

I am increasingly wondering why I bother summoning… or even playing.

If SG manages to mess up Visiting Outfitter by making it a huge gem charge, I really may not have much anything left to play for.

I just don’t even anymore.


Did my token 30X and although not a bad haul, …as expected, nothing new for me

May the portals show you all kindness


Scary… lol I wanted to do a 30x pull here… but not after seeing your screenshot

Same goes here geez…


I’m with Bob.
I should have learned by now, these special portals have never gave me something good.


50 pulls. With 4 new heroes and 1 dupe. Nautica is the main prize,


I am waiting for better gem offers closer to Dec. Offers improve as portal reaches expiry, as was the case last year.

Doubt I will get anything decent though.



I’m actually waiting the same, but for some other portal (like costumes, covenant, goblins, etc.). There are portals I have never used gems on, and may be surprised on the results :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I actually blew all my accumulated gems on goblin portal before BF portal launched, so that I wouldn’t be tempted to just dive in before Dec HOTM arrives. :crazy_face:

Received dupes from Goblins. More for SE.