A game plan for using Aethers

Hello Friends,

We’ve learned a lot about these limit breakers and Omega challenges. One thing that’s clear is you can’t limit break a five star hero until the second challenge unless you get a lucky pull from a chest.

So my question is, we should all have enough to limit break a 4 star. And none of us can do that for our 5 stars. Knowing we are going to get the needed items next time the Blue challenge arrives, shouldn’t it make sense to limit break a 4 star now, while waiting for the legendary items needed?

Example, I’m going to use my Aethers on Skadi when I’m able. But in the meantime I can limit break my Costume Kiril and reap those benefits until Skadi can get boosted. On top of that, for the next challenge I SHOULD be able to do another 4* blue on top of Skadi.

What do y’all think?



I think so.i have broke both sides of Kiril and Sapphire, now next time it comes around (or with lucky loot) I can do Frida.

Time after more 4s then another 5. Continue helping with the depth

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Yes, this is my plan exactly. Kiril and costume now, Krampus and probably Grimm next time.

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I know my luck… If I Limit Break a 4* now, next war I’ll get the Aether I need for the 5* and I won’t be able to Limit Break it until the next event cuz I did the 4* now… If I don’t Limit Break the 4*, I’ll be waiting till the next event for the 5* anyways… So instead of sitting there cursing myself for doing the 4*, I’ll just wait.

Your logic is sound. I’m hesitant. Game won’t change much over the next month or so while I wait.

Top 10% in raid tournament gets 3 draws with 3% chance. If I’m doing my math right, the average person will get one in 23 draws. Might not be for ice. Add in war rewards (I’ll guess 50% win rate) and I’d say there’s a 50% chance I get enough to upgrade a five star before the next blue quest.

The key factor that I need to do math on is it seems like 3 and 4 star aether will be easy to come by relatively. So maybe I should just get it over with now?


Hadn’t noticed this. This has been a pretty decent raid tournament for me so far, so this is great news.