[Master Discussion] - Mirages of Omega (Limit Breaker) Quest - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

I played all stages with a 4-1 team:

The opponents are immune to status ailments like defdown or edd, do I brought only plain hitters as damage deslers, c.Joon and Uraeus. Cidtumed Sif for riposte and mana boost, Rh/ for overheal, clean and attack up. Sabina for fispell and adiditionsl clean.
Due to Sif‘s riposte the relatively fragil Sabina got very few hits.
Yellows make the most tile damage against this purple opponents, but after they fired their specisl, they could reflect yellow special attacks. They can still be killed with yellow tiles or I used Sabina to disspell their yellow reflect and could killt them easily with specials without reflect.
Used not a single battle item this quest.

Happy gaming

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Ill probably need battle items because your LB 85 +20 are a hell of a lot stronger than my LB 75 +15 haha

The cleanse is something ill definitely take advantage of though.

I went Kageburado-CSartana-CObakan-LotL-Malicna and used harpoons (could be caltrops), bombs ans dragons. The fourth item could be potions or mana potions. I thought it would be tough, but I only lost Malicna before reaching the bosses.

I ended up playing purple mono through to the end, I was just enjoying that 50% mana buff for all my heroes way too much to skip it hahaha. Just charging heroes constantly and blasting them all away with specials. Tile damage purple against purple wasn´t great, but still OK with the mono team. The second buff, life gain through tiledamage was a nice little bonus, so I didn´t need to bring too much healing, in fact the only healing I brought was CRigard… and then 4 hitters. I played my S5 gang Khepri, Bastet, Khonshu (recharged with 1 tile after a kill hahaha) and Ahhotep.
Really fun gameplay!


Good Call Gargon. I did 4-1 with Arco next to Freya, instant overheals numerous times. Also made Karnov a VERY useful hero. Cheers!

I should have thought of that one! Nice catch :slight_smile:


This event is getting easier and easier… I used only 3x minor mana potion :wink:

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I didn’t need any items this time. My team had it handled. Phenexa, Oceanus and Zenobia combined will wipe out anything.

Oceanus then got those well-deserved Aethers.


My team was Xiaotu-Mitsuko-Marjana-Esme-C.Colen. I think I used minor antidotes twice so mana gain wasn’t impeded. No problems at all. (I have no 5* AoE red heavy hitters). I’m going to sit on the aethers for a while, though, because all of the reds in that line-up are limit broken except for Marjana, and she’s not getting them unless I also get her costume.

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This was indeed one of the easier ones. No items used.

Team: Black Knight, Elizabeth, Alucard, Lewena, Garnet

why don’t use blue? my team…: Director Zuri, Krampus, Magni, Throne, Russula;
enemies only counter special skills, with 4 blue, ~1-2 match (3-6 tiles) will kill 1 red mobs

…because red has an attack bonus (and blue can be reflected)

only reflect/counter special skills…
and blue still strong against red with double-damage (+100% attack), …


I was a weirdo and went mono yellow on the last stage. That’s the color I feel safest with, because I can put together a team that doesn’t rely on status ailments, is survivable, and doesn’t have an inordinate number of buffs to be stolen. Rhys - Leo - Devana - Griffin - Poseidon. Worked like a charm.


Indeed really easy this time, not sure why, played mostly 4 star heroes and used no items at all.

Usually I play mono in the boosted color, but this time the boost wasn´t all that important so I went for red/blue

With CWilbur for additional blue tile damage. Junaid for boosted sniper damage/heal and then 3 blue heroes. That way I had 2 colors to do tile damage with and two colors for healing/shooting.

The reflect never was a problem. very few monsters chared before dying and the few that did got killed with either red or blue tiles or Junaid. beginning of next wave blue shooters fired. For the final stage boss wave I kept a blue diamond…

I checked this thread to see when the recent purple Mirages of Omega quest occurred. It was last January, right? I definitely missed it when I went on vacation. I guess my Ludwig will have to wait for more months before he could be LB :sweat_smile:

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Just what the title says:

Is there a formula of which I am unaware to simply predict / calculate the stat growth for a hero from non-LB to LB?

And…as a parallel…it is just the raw stats (Att,Def,HP) that increase, right? Not the numbers in the Special ability?

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This will probably get merged, but until then take a look here:

The info you’re looking for is in the original post at the top :nerd_face:


Is there a formula to calculate the stats of the heroes in the first limit break?
And tb now in the second limit break that will come with the Alpha Aethers?
@Petri, Please, could you or any other staff member help us?

Database of 5* LB heroes - Player Guides - Empires & Puzzles Community Forum

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