[Master Discussion] - Fated Summon (Counter doesn’t reset on list change)

I’ll rank the current possible options in case it helps. Just my two cents, obviously. From Rank S (amazing), A, B, C, D to Rank F (bad).

• Rank S:
None. Like expected, we have 0 competitive heroes in SE lists.

• Rank A:
None. Being realistic, some heroes listed are actually good, but lacking their costumes make them closer to an Epic hero at this point.

• Rank B:
A) Guardian Gazelle - can substitute Miki fair goodly., helpful for events, raids and map. And most importantly, it’s fun to use.
B) Lepiota - shutting down heroes can be handy when you master it, specifically in PvsP content. May come in handy for bosses too.

• Rank C:
A) Francine - unique dispell buff skill. Decent family bonus.
B) Krampies - taunt is widely useful for these who don’t own one already. The massive attack bonus may come in handy for titans and other situations.

• Rank D:
A) Hatter - I know, you expected him to be ranked a bit better. Unique skill, cool. But his class doesn’t help much. His stats are pretty awful. He may come in handy IF he doesn’t die first.
B) Pass - a healer with “”“decent”“” stats for whoever still uses epic healers and/or non costume Ariel, Vivica and others that have even lower stats. A healer is always useful - Goldie and C. Rigard/Kiril/Sabina are still better, cheaper and more versatile options. I know.
C)Delilah - same as above.

• Specials cases:
A) Zeline & Alasie: awful at their own now, but with costumes on they are super stars again. I have 2x C. Alasie and use both regularly. Dupe C. Zeline would be used too.
B) Garjammal: you probably dont, but if you really need a green sniper… she’s ok.
C) Akkorog: too situational for my taste but if you’re weak on yellows… He has decent stats.

• Rank F: the failure gang.
A)Natalya: an undispellable bad skill is still a bad skill.
B) Aeron: ugh. Can’t you just use Rigard instead?
C) Vanda: I never use her and my deck is not even big. Got from HA. If you realllllyyyy need an ailment blocker… well… use C2. Sabina instead?
D) Got tired of links. Alice and Nemo = weak snipers you end up never using.
E) Kilhare, G. Kong = weak hit all you end up never using.
F) Boss Wolf & Roc: I’m laughing. You’re laughing.

That’s it. I had so much fun doing the list. Don’t take it seriously. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth::rofl:

We have so much good vibes in the forum with these good content. Wish we had more of it instead of the bullcrap avalanche of power creep, ridiculous heroes and repetitive events.