Margaret – New May 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): First Thoughts & Discussion

Zim, Eve and Onatel, actually. Unless Eve is William Wallace disguised. You know, Scottish kilts.

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The alternation wasn’t always true historically, they started doing it to be balanced going forward.

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Why does it matter if a hero is male or female though? Like it needing to be alternated?

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Ever seen the Cryptex from the DaVinci Code? It looks like one of those. She appears to be trying to pick the lock?

This, coming from a person who drew a goatee on Zim…:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Back on topic… Not terribly keen on Margaret, but if I do pull her during events, she’ll find a use in my offense.

She’s too soft for use as a tank, but would fit on the flank. There are way better green options though for a defensive team, and I tend to prefer my defensive heroes to be able to do damage with their specials rather than just play a supportive role. Margaret seems to me like a cheerleader who’s role is to scream “Dogde Left! Dodge Right! Now… Do the split jump!” :rofl:


Margaret as tank flanked by any of the two 4-5* blues. Bring Margaret to +7-10 range, set stats to tank. I don’t know how that fight will end.

Option B: Kage Ariel Mitsuko Margaret Inari. I might Nope out there. Replace Ariel with MN or Alby if that’s your thing. Still nope.

Option C: Sniper (MN/Alby) Aegir Margaret Sniper. Probably nope

I wouldn’t use her against red titans. Yeah she had fire element shields, but her high attack stat won’t mean anything when she only does 50% damage

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I’m not going to do any pulls this month, so no chance of getting her.
My thoughts:
Titans: Nice damage. Cast at the right time the special can help avoiding the damage from titans and recover some mana while at it. But she’s not a must have. Against a blue titan maybe, but not against any other.
Defense: No. Her stats aren’t meant for that. I could see her work in Flank position, if you need to have her in your team, but absolutely not a Tank.
Attack Raid: Maybe. If you get unlucky she’ll be taken out quickly, but with lvl11 mana troops she can protect herself against Snipers.
Events: Tile damage can help, but I don’t think you can score high without some damage from the special

My questions:
Does DoT affect her dodge chance? Gravemaker, Natalya and Proteus are going to have an easy time if she can’t dodge that.
Does Spirit link lower her dodge chance? If so Wilbur is going to be hard counter.
What exactly is a “moderate amount of mana”?
Does she dodge completely or just avoid damage, with secondary effects still working?


Ah yes, now i see what u and @zephyr1 said. Yes it is looks like cryptex after i search more on google images :slight_smile: thx both of u


I don’t have Margaret or Inari, but I think Inari is…

…wait for it…


Thank you, thank you, I am here all week.


I like her artwork, very roguish/assassin, high attack stat, very fast mana, but i dont think it’ll fit my gamestyle. Idk i need to see her in actions so i can have a better idea.
But ‘she’ should have been a ‘he’ since last one was Evelyn.


There are dueling factions and SG want to satisfy them both:


Marg’s Hero Theme Song


I never knew them to have keys though. It was always code to my knowledge

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I hope you mix things up here. You should never use hansel caedmon or margi on a red titan…

I was also going to post that I think it’s a cryptex, but many others have already said the same. I will add that I think it’s a great design choice; very thematically appropriate for her class and skill. I also commend this non-conventional, non-sexualized addition to the female roster of characters.

Setting aside the debate about the order of gendered HOTM / gendered HOTM within an element…

  • Very high tile damage, so one thinks of titans right away.

  • I’m often a little confused by heroes with the element link ‘to resist the strong element (defense against fire in this case)’. That skill is most appropriate when you can reasonably assume a hero will be stacked against, meaning the tank position. Margaret doesn’t have the stats to tank. She also does no direct damage, nor even a heal, so there is really no penalty to dump tiles into her until you can prep a dispeller and other specials. Though it is a little interesting that, in that scenario you’d still need to either roll the dice with a dispel that does damage, or have one that inflicts no damage (Sabina, Melendor). And since Margaret’s buff can’t be dispelled from herself, you’d probably want to target another foe even after the dispel. That doesn’t make her credible at tank, but is an interesting dynamic. I think making her a massive tank with this skill would have been a lot more interesting.

  • Flank seems a possibility to take advantage of her skills. She’ll catch enough stray tiles to fire early / often, and then hopefully help the tank survive the charged specials, which either must be held or risk missing. And her link may be useful in that case, though it seems a small bonus to me since the attacker may stack against the other flank, or be rocking mono, or whatever.


I think Tarlak has higher, 824

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I feel like all allies should get the ability to dodge with her special, or would that be OP?

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Once we kill the tank Margaret wouldn’t pose any real threat if we just focus on the other side.
She could be good if other resurrector heroes would have been of another element but putting two greens one next to the other feels like a bit suicidal for every defense.

For titans she wouldn’t add much if Wilbur/Aegir are in the team if not her huge attack score but there are many ways to have better results (Tarkak / Buddy / Evelyn / Gadeirus / Gregorion).


I need a 5* Rouge, so I will probably pull on next Atlantis and hope for Margret or Inari…
i kind of like heroes with a little odd talents. You need to adjust your play to make them successfull!