I created 2 calculators that can improve gameplay and have a better understanding of the mechanics of the game.
This calculator will allow you to customize the hero specs (based on the level of the hero or emblem node), then pick the type and level of troop. It will then calculate the end result of your hero’s stats on the battlefield.
You can also simulate “what if” scenarios if you are planning to level troops and apply it to your existing hero stats. It’s also helpful for heroes that aren’t fully leveled or are emblemed with added stats.
This calculator will give options of all mana boosts and give you a reference on the tile break points for every speed hero. It will not calculate the defense mechanics.
This is a really nice sheet for calculating the Crit vs Mana troop on heros. I have been doing this with a calculator to see the different Atk and HP bonus between the two. Great stuff.
One thing I wish SG would add is being able to level up troop from team window. When u have a team u can click on a hero and level it up. I’d like that for troops too. just a thought.