Looking for advice on setting my War defense team, please

Hi @Christian77 :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for providing so much information upfront in your OP…you’ve obviously spent a good amount of time to craft and organize your thoughts!!

Here are some of my thoughts:

  1. since this is for your war defense team it’s usually a good idea to use a rainbow defense and since the tank color matters not, then you should consider the strongest heroes that are built (designed) for specific purposes and can work together.

For example, and as @Dudeious.Maximus mentioned, healers aren’t purposeful on the wings…they will die too quickly before they can fire off their special skills for healing and that’s a bad thing…

However, you should position a healer where he/she can take a few hits and activate their healing special before being killed. This is best suited on the left flank (imho)…

Typically, fast snipers, hard hitters are on the wings…but that’s just a recommendation… and since you have Almur, he’s useful at left wing because he has elemental defense down, reduces enemy health, and is a fast sniper. I would then use Marj on the right wing and I highly recommend embleming her up to node 7+ to activate her rogue (dodge) specials to survive longer.

@ThePirateKing can verify my thoughts (he is a highly experienced player and has mentored me on this subject) but I believe 7+ is a good start…my marjana is maxed at 20+

For the flanks: you’ve got several options and it ought to depend on your preferences, because this will influence which hero is best suited for your tank position.
…so for example you can have Kiril on left flank and Li Xiu as your tank (her mana reduction is pretty devastating when she fires off, (imho) then Cyprian on Rt. Flank…(so Kiril, Li Xiu, Cyprian)…

OR you can have Gullinbursti on left flank and Boril as the tank, and Cyprian on Rt. Flank

OR RIgs (left flank), Li Xiu as Tank, Boril, or even Grimm on Rt. Flank…

But you have good options and you should test them out to see which ones are best, don’t take my word for it…

@RandaPanduh can provide better insights than I can (she is also a highly experienced player and has mentored me many, many times in the best heroes to use and hero synergy)

  1. Speaking of that, hero synergy is very important since you won’t have much control of your defense once wars start and you’ll also be at the mercy of both opposing teams and they’re strategies as well as the board RNG…

  2. with that in mind, it’s usually prudent to have heroes that compliment each other and/or stack their specials… and avoid heroes that can potentially cancel each other out…

For example: I never use more than two mana reducers for my attack teams because they sometimes cancel each other out…so on a defense team I suggest limiting yourself to one mana reducer (imho)…

So I would avoid using Mist and Li Xiu together, as an example…

  1. BTW: have you seen the 4* and 5* hero positioning guides/charts that @D_DI provides?

They (the charts) are very instrumental in thinking about your current and future hero positioning for all your teams (wars, raids, titans, tourneys, etc.)

Here’s the link to the E&P community forum post on the 4* hero positioning:

Here’s the link to the E&P community forum post on the 5* hero positioning:

My apologies for the redundant info If you already use them, but if you haven’t, it’s incredibly useful and the discussion threads within those two topics are also informative.

  1. lastly, I know you’ve probably heard this before, but troop leveling and emblems are intrinsic to long term winning and success…
    Troop leveling is a grind, but trust me, you’ll see the difference and emblems are critical in order to activate your hero specials/nodes … and this can be the difference in a win or loss…

I hope this helps and best of luck with your war defense team :slightly_smiling_face::sparkles:
